24th Birthday Getaway : Melaka

Birthday post! :)
Or maybe not so much of a birthday post since there’s no cake in my post.

I celebrated my birthday weekend at Melaka, with a swollen neck and a fat boyfriend.
It was somewhere around end of September that this ‘I-want-to-go-to-Melaka’ feeling bugs me but we both just couldn’t find the right time.
So after waiting for more than a month the best time to go turns out to be my birthday weekend.

This time, we ditched the commons. No chicken rice, no satay celup, and no Jonker Walk foods.
I have a list of eateries waiting for us to try them out.
I always have lists and itineraries when it come to travelling for I believe that doing research before hand will gain me the most out of those trips. And along the way, that’s where the random exploration takes place.

We reached Melaka early and checking in early was out of the dictionary so filling up our empty stomachs seems like the best thing to do.

#1 First stop : Kedai Kopi & Makanan Soon Yen.

#2 Famous duck noodles is what brought us here.

#3 I was hoping that the first bite I take will take me by surprise but unfortunately it did not. The duck noodle with gravy sauce was okay but I felt like there was a lack of taste. I also regretted ordering a large portion because this should be our makan trip but the hunger in me made me lost my self control for that little while. If it’s a makan trip, just go for the smallest portion at all times.

#4 Fish ball is normally what I’d stay away from but since we’re on an eating spree, I gave it the green light.

#5 Also can be called as Melaka Loh Bak which contains fish ball, fish skin fritters, and prawn fritters that came with sweet chilli sauce. I like the prawn fritters the most and when dipped in the sweet chilli sauce, it opened up my appetite.

Kedai Kopi & Makanan Soon Yen
596 Jalan Tengkera, 75250 Melaka

#6 Second stop : Baba Low. It took us some while to search for Baba Low, the colonial style bungalow right in front block the entire view.

#7 I ordered Nyonya Laksa for myself and I really like the laksa broth a lot for being extremely flavorful. Downside was that I wasn’t feeling too well and I’m not advised to take in spicy food AND COCKLES or else I would have whack the entire bowl. I was also a little full from that big portion of duck noodle.

#8 Boyfriend ordered Pai Tee which I am not interested at. If my tummy allows me, I will go for mee siam anytime.

#9 Le bf.

Visiting Baba Low will definitely be in my list again for the next round.
I want to really enjoy my nyonya laksa and try their mee siam as well, it’s a must!

Baba Low (behind a bungalow)
486 Jalan Tengkera, 75250 Melaka.

After eating so much, it’s time for us to check in and sleep (LOL).
We stayed at ‘The Stable’, which is extremely convenient for us because it’s right smack in Jonker Walk.

#10 We paid RM380 nett (weekend) for a night stay or if you’re on a budget you can always opt for weekdays (RM300 nett).

#11 The Stable welcomes us with a pantry and a coffee machine.

#12 Small living area with magazines and games for you to play if you need to entertain yourself.

#13 History of Melaka hangs on the wall.

#14 Behind that glass door is where the toilet is and two umbrellas in case of rainy days which we make full use of.

#15 Worry not on toiletries, they provided everything.

#16 Small and cozy, perfect for couple.

#17 Take the stairs up and that’s where the room is. Yes, it’s a two stories boutique guesthouse all to yourself and your partner.

#18 Love the bricks and definitely loving the huge mirror that gives a baroque feeling to the room.

#19 An inviting and comfortable bed greets us, waiting for us to sink in.

#20 Flat screen tv with Astro channels and some dvds for us.

‘Original wooden beams dances around richly-textured rooms of rough exposed bricks, Peranakan tiles, quaint louvered windows and reclaimed lumber floor. An inviting bed beckons you to relax while looking out the window to the lively street below. With a brilliant collision of influences – from the modern to the baroque to the local Peranakan heritage, this small guesthouse is an inspired fusion of old-world charm with distinctly contemporary style and energy’

#21 Fatty sitting by the window enjoying the street’s view.


#23 Absolutely love my stay in this guesthouse.

#24 Haha! I asked for a picture and there he was, acting all silly.

The Stable Melaka Guesthouse
No. D, Jalan Hang Kasturi,
75200 Malacca
Email: enquiries@musanglena.com
Contact: David Chang: +6012 6234459
Soon Lum: +6012 626 6977 / +6012 6235459

We took a nap before heading out again but I was pretty reluctant seeing that Melaka was raining at that moment.
Why don’t we stay in and continue sleeping instead?

#25 In such a cold weather, we needed coffee and after walking under the rain going into cafes that are closing we finally settled for Limau-limau cafe.

#26 Who cares about the rain? We had a good laugh at our legs getting real dirty so often because of it.

#27 Getting my coffee fix.


Limau-Limau Cafe
No. 9 Jalan Hang Lekiu, 75200 Melaka.

#29 Third stop : Dinner at Medan Ikan Bakar Muara Sungai Duyong.

#30 Lots of fresh seafood for us to choose from.

#31 Forgot what it’s called in Malay.

#32 Sotong goreng which Fatty really like.

#33 Bakar ikan pari which turns out to be TASTELESS. We didn’t ordered bakar bercili afraid that it might get too spicy for us but I didn’t expect it to be this tasteless either.

#34 There’re packets of nasi lemak on the table and it was the best from the dinner. Fatty ordered a plate of nasi putih that is too wet and towards the end of our meal I suggested that we should really try their nasi lemak. Thank God we did, everything tasted so much better with their nasi lemak.

Bill came up to Rm49 including 2 coconuts and 2 otak-otak (too sweet for my liking). Price is rather decent but I still prefer seafood cook in chinese style. I kinda crave for the seafood we had in Penang, a place where I will definitely go every time I’m there.

Medan Ikan Bakar Muara Sungai Duyong
KM 4-5, Jalan Padang Temu,
Permatang Pasir,
74560, Melaka.
Contact: Azmi: 012 6362339

We went back to The Stable after our meal, to rest and to wait for the time to pass.

#35 How The Stable looks like from the outside, at night.

#36 Fatty took the scrap book he made for my birthday and surprised me.

He told me he was really busy before Melaka and acting all weird, going into his room without me telling me that he’s taking his charger where in fact I took it. I knew he’s up to something. :)
It was very very sweet of him because I can tell that he put in a lot of effort and patience into making the scrap book.
His creativeness, his wittiness, and his sweetness, I appreciate all of that.

#37 The woman I fancy the most, I turned the page and saw my reflection. Hah!

#38 After all the cuddling, it’s his football time. So if you’re like my Fatty who cant live without watching Football, you can head over to Eleven Bistro to catch some football game. Walk into the street where Geographer cafe is and you’ll find a few bistros with football channel on.

#39 It was resting time again so we went back to The Stable, to watch some shows and played Jenga. I took half an hour nap before heading out for supper. My long awaited supper!

#40 Restoran Pak Putra, famous for it’s tandoori and naan.

#41 I was happily noming my favourite food until I remembered I forgot to take a picture of it, hence my pathetic tandoori.

#42 The best naan I’ve ever tried. Onions, garlic, cheese, egg, and butter. Add everything in and this naan will never fail you.

#43 Dhaal which taste just as good.

They also offered Indian food like butter chicken but we were too full to try.
This will also be another restaurant that I will definitely be coming back. Cant get enough of em naans.

Restoran Pak Putra
Jalan Laksamana 4, Melaka, Malaysia.

We both enjoyed this Melaka trip quite a lot. It was different, we found quite a number of new things and I’m glad that Melaka now seems like an interesting place all again.
I especially love staying at The Stable and the next time if all else permits, I’ll go for ’45 Lekiu’.
45 Lekiu has got the same concept as The Stable, under the same management. What’s better is that 45 Lekiu is so much more bigger than The Stable and they even have a pool to it.

#44 45 Lekiu’s private pool.

#45 Roof patio, probably the best place to chill with a bottle of wine.

#46 Living area with more and more bricks.

#47 3 stories all together, with 2 rooms.

#48 Master bedroom.

#49 That one thing which caught my attention the most, bathtub!

#50 Kitchenette.

You know what, I might as well just wait for my bff to be back and force her and her boyfriend to stay a night with me at 45 Lekiu.
And I’m gonna force her to let me sleep in master bedroom so that I can stay in the bathtub as long as I want.
Both of them can sleep in another room, two single beds. HAHAHAHA! I’m so bad.

Rm999 nett for weekdays and RM1099 net for weekends. I sure do need a number of friends to enjoy such an elegant guesthouse with me.
Don’t you just love it? :)

45 Lekiu
45, Jalan Hang Lekiu,
75200 Malacca
Email : enquiries@musanglena.com

1 Comment

  1. […] Prices range from RM3 to RM5, making this a very affordable dish (Photo credit:Peggy Chow) […]

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