26/7 at BarClub

Yayaya, I know. July’s photo.
Sometimes I just get too lazy to upload pictures and blog about it.
And after that I forgot (excuses actually). :P

* I miss my long hair now. : ( Tell me I look better in my long hair or short hair!

*Crazy birthday boy who only know how to swears. -.-

*Me and the birthday boy. : )

*With Kai. Don’t want to show you all my super red face, so I edit it. Haha..

*Club half way go toilet and then camwhore. Hahaha.. xD

And then now I very lazy already, so byebye.

1 Comment

  1. Fate September 26, 2008

    long hair or short hair also suit u……it’s juz that i will prefer long hair for girl

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