heyy! (:
there’s nothing interesting in my life lately.
where’s my happening life gone to?

wake up. class. lunch. nap. drama. drama. more drama. yam cha. sleep.
same routine. ugh
ah, and it seems like i’ve been pretty emotional lately which of course not something i should celebrate about.
my friend said to me that my facebook status is like, i’m about to jump off from a building anytime soon.
exaggerate betul. :\

i’m trying to keep myself under control and i guess you can tell from this post.
at least this aint an emo post. heh.
i sense mr.assignment will be knocking on my door soon.
probably i should be glad since this is my last semester, hmm.

ouh ya, talking bout drama before this, i just finish watching a taiwan drama. 下一站,幸福
i don’t normally watch taiwan drama, i prefer TVB’s. haha.. but somehow i stumble upon this and hey, it’s pretty good.
the kid is uber cute. if you’re too bored like me, watch it on pps. :D

argh, i wanted to post some pictures but i’m out of time now.
soon soon, my blog lacks some nice *ahem* pictures.
till then. (:

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