70’s and 80’s babies..

Came across this list here and i found some of it is quite true.. I’m one of the 80’s babies. Enjoy..

Signs that show you are a 70s or 80s baby :

*You grew up watching G-Force, He-Man, Transformers, Thundercats, Silver Hawks, Woody Woodpecker, Chipmunks and Mickey Mouse. Not to forget Ninja Turtles, M.A.S.K., Smurfs and Voltron too.
I grow up watching Tom & Jerry.

*Girls watched cartoons like My Little Pony, Carebears, “Xiao Tian Tian”, “Hua Xian Zi” etc
I watched Sailormoon, all time favorites.

*You grew up brushing your teeth with a mug in primary school after recess time.
I didn’t do this.

*You squatted by a drain with all your classmates beside you, and brushed your teeth with a colorful mug.
Didn’t do this either.

*Remember the days when the school nurse, comes with a list for the dentist appointment, the sound of the drilling when your friend has a fill in his tooth.
Hate this a lot, and this is during my secondary days. I hate dentist.

*You remember the packets of milk we get in primary school to encourage us to drink more milk. (It cost only 30 cent per pack)
My primary school is all about $$, no free things given.

*In secondary school, girls go to the library to borrow their favorite romance storybook.
My secondary don’t have nice storybooks. Idiot.

*In secondary school, girls altered their school skirt to shorten it and guys will go to the school appointed school uniform tailor shop to tailor make their school trousers to the then fashionable “baggy pants”!
And they will get caught by discipline teachers.

*During primary school days, the teacher will punish you using a ruler to hit your palm.
Those who didn’t finish up the homework will get the ruler canning.

*A bowl of noodles soup cost only 30cent in primary school days.
It cost me at least RM1, not cheap at all.

*When you were in primary school, girls like to go to the bookshop to buy cute stuff such as animal erasers, various shape sharpeners, colorful notebook etc.
I love all the stationaries, back then, I will never stop buying them from the bookshop auntie.

*Hankyu Jaya, Yaohan departmental stores used to be a favorite hangout for families during weekends.
Yaohan, yes, but I never heard of Hankyu Jaya.

*In secondary school days, you buy the Bata BM Turbo or Pallas Jazz school shoes.
Some guys like to wear those china made ankle high shoes. Some even like to wear those very thick socks with their school shoes.
I forget what shoe I use to wear during school days.

*Internet? E-mail? What the hell is that?
I am not that old, I know all this stuff.

*CDs? What’s that? Cassette tapes were the norm.
Uses both actually, but now no, prefer mp3.

*Movie tickets used to cost less than $5 last time.
Now it cost Rm5 with student card.

*The goodies from Mama shop used to be Chickerdis, Mamee, Kum Kum, UFO, O-Ya, Ding Dang chocolate balls with toys in the box, colorful hard “egg”, “cigerette” bubble gum, KIKI Bubble Gum, pink bottle of bubbles c/w a small tubes with yellow sticks to blow “more lasting” bubbles that you can pop more air in or slam it on.
I don’t know how to blow bubble out of bubble gum, but I love Ding Dang and it is expensive.

*You never forget ‘Ti Kam’.
What is this? Congkak?

*When exams are over, the board games (e.g. Monopoly, Donkey, Vehicles Comparison Card) & handheld electronic games will be all over the class room.
Love the time when exam is over, Love playing with board games.

*Your favourite sound is the bell, for it’s the homemade ice cream man. The cream that tops Haagen Das!
Never get to buy ice-cream from ice-cream man, mummy doesn’t allow.

*And the other peddler you love is the old lady who sells juicy Muah Chee and thick golden syrup rolled in a balloon the tip of a chopstick.
Did not came across with this before.

*Another bell is the recess bell, a time to get away from school work and to eat.
Love this.

*Another time when there is no bell but all guys will anxiously wait for it…The PJ (Pendidikan Jasmani), PE time (time for football)
Hate this subject. Very annoying.

*Your favorite childhood games were playing “guli” (marbles), five stones, five bottle cover, zero-point, catching, “Pepsi-Cola one two three” and/or “Police & Sentry”!
Pepsi-Cola best. And hop-scotch. Play it every morning during primary.

*The best thirst quencher of all times is the yummy colourful ice tubes you can buy from provision shops for only 10cent. To eat them, break the tab and suck while holding the freezing tube!
Use to make my own, at home. Free of charge.

*All gals have a girl doll/strawberry shortcake/my little pony/pound puppy, while all boys have a soldiers figurine (combat) or a rubber band catapult that shoots folded paper!

*Once was the era whereby ice-cream sticks were valuable items, then came the paper aircrafts, chalk fights.
Ice-cream sticks is just to exchange another ice-cream.

*Some boys made their own guns from wood, and used ‘Bacali’ as the bullets.
This is way too long ago. My mom use to play that.

*Some even used matches to shoot and burn kids’ lanterns during MoonCake Festival.
Bad kids.

*And your favorite holiday was Lunar New Year! New clothes, Ang Pows, shopping, junk food and family outings!
Definitely Chinese New Year, and it is coming nearer and nearer.

*Let’s see, the majority of students in universities today were born in 1987/ 88…. They are called “youth”.
True true.

*For them, they have never heard of the song “We are the World, we are the Children…” And the “Uptown Girl” they know is by WestLife but not Billy Joel.
I know the song “We are the World, we are the Children…”. Who is Billy Joel anyway?

*For them, there have always been only one Germany and only one Vietnam.
A lot of Germanies and Vietnams out there?

*AIDS exists since they were born.
Not meh?

*CD exists since they were born.

*Michael Jackson is already whitened.
He is not whitened yet.

*John Travolta is always round in shape and they can’t imagine how this fat guy could be a god of dance.
Who is John Travolta?

*They believe that Spiderman and Incredible Hulk are just new films.
It is from old comic, is it?

*They can never imagine a black and white screen for a computer.

*They never know what is Atari or ‘Game&Watch’.
I really don’t know.

*They can’t believe a black and white television ever existed and they don’t even know how to switch on a TV without a remote control.
Very true la..

*And they never understand how we can go out without a mobile phone when we were in university…
Anyone wanna teach me how?

Let’s check if we’re getting old…

1. You understand what was written above and you smile.

2. Most of your secondary school friends are getting married.
Not that fast yet.

3. You are always surprised to see small children playing comfortably
with computer.
I am actually surprise with kindergarten students who can play handphones and know every single function.

4. When you see teenagers with mobile phones, you shake your head.
This is normal.

5. You spend less and less time talking on phone with your friends
I seldom talk to friends on the phone, we talk face to face.

6. When you meet your old friends from time to time, talking about the
good old days, repeating again and again all funny stories you experienced together.

No, I am not old yet.
Still very young la..

Brings back old memories huh?

Cheers to the 70s n 80s babies!!!


  1. KuKuJiaoMan January 9, 2007

    i think u r 90s babies group lar…

  2. Moneybin January 9, 2007

    Wah!!!! Then i very old lo!!!

  3. firewire January 9, 2007

    yes, i’m pretty old #@$#@)($@#) *run out of the house screaming*

  4. Peggy January 9, 2007

    Haha.. i’m 1988, so I’m almost 90’s babies.. haha..
    How ‘old’ are you all? haha

  5. Moneybin January 10, 2007

    Haha… born 87. hehe

  6. Vanna White May 21, 2008

    Hello…Man i love reading your blog, interesting posts ! it was a great Wednesday . Vanna White

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