911 Liang’s Belated

I didn’t have the mood to blog but mom made me a new bolster cover and I’m happy.
So since I’m happy, here you go… (:
September 11th, went to Poppy Garden for Liang’s belated birthday.
Just the few of us.

* The belated birthday boy with twins, and Jones fooling around.

* Ee showing her chewing gum, hahaha.

* Me and the blur looking Vamp.

* Took pictures when the guys are sobering up.

* Neh, the drunktard.

* love this picture although i’m a lightbulb here. pfft, i don’t care.

I did the most unbelievable thing that night. :X
Anyway, i’m having cough right now. and running nose and nose block and sore throat.
I suspect H1N1 *touchwood* wtf. I’m gonna pop VitaminC from tomorrow onwards.
Alright, ciao.


  1. simonso September 14, 2009

    Bolster cover leh! i wanna seeeeeeeee!

  2. Peggy September 15, 2009

    simon: bolster cover also wanna see?? omg, cannot.. haha :p

  3. vvens September 15, 2009

    eh u know what, i think your hair length looks the best now! :D

  4. Peggy September 17, 2009

    vvens: i actually quite like this length too but i wanna grow it and see how its like, haha.. not nice then cut again larh.. :*D

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