Short Note:I want to learn Chinese wordings. I don’t know how to read and write in Chinese. I’m such a noob.
I was craving for Auntie Anne’s the other day and last night I was craving for a cup of oh-so-cold Toffee Nut Frappuccino from Starbucks. I’ve been wanting to drink Starbucks blended coffee for the longest time. I’ve been coughing so much lately and the only drink that I drink from outside is ‘Teh O panas kurang manis.’ Everyday without fail, so boring. People who knows me will know that I super like cold drinks and having to drink hot drink for so long is killing me.
And so, I went over to Starbucks at Pavilion with Dexter. : )
* I’m in love with Starbucks mug. I’m so so gonna collect it when I have enough cash. I realize I’m always out of cash. (You all don’t copy me collect Starbucks mug, or else I’m gonna boo you.)
* My oh-so-cold Toffee Nut Frappuccino and Dex’s oh-so-cold Dark Cherry Mocha Frappuccino. I like the Toffee Nut but its a little too sweet. I prefer drinks or food that is not so sweet. I think I’m weird because most girls like sweet things and I don’t really like to eat CHOCOLATE!
* I : ) when I drink my Toffee Nut. Very satisfying. (My bloody hair sucks, I have a bad hair day yesterday.)
* I don’t know why Dex is blur whereas I’m not.
My skin looks really dull and my eye bags are getting worse and worse. I slept around 3 something last night and I have to wake up at 8.30 today. : (
Lack of sleep, lack of water, and lack of money. Haha..
I need to sleep 10 hours everyday and when my sleeping time is cut to half, I look like a zombie.
I will sleep earlier tonight, I hope I can.
I finally decided to write a comment on your blog. I just wanted to say good job. I really enjoy reading your posts.