
I’m back.. :”)
I’m back and as a happier person this time. :”)
Yah, I know my last post says until as though I’m going off to don’t know what kind of place but actually I just went to do my assignment. Hahahahhahahahahahahhaha..
We are asked to stay at guesthouse at KL or Malacca for 3 days and 2 nights to mingle around with backpackers.
This subject I’m taking is Popular Culture and I guess all of the assignments, I have to use a lot of money.
However, it was really very fun. I have fun hanging around with my group mates, hanging around with foreigners, and the best thing is I seriously did clear my mind. :”)

# This is the guesthouse we are staying and its around Bukit Bintang area.
We sleep in a dorm which consist of 4 double decker beds. A dorm can fit in 8 people and we share the room with a Japanese guy, a Philippine guy, and another woman but I don’t know where she come from.

# Group mates: Pei Khee, me, and Wah Yan.
We arrive on Friday afternoon and we went shopping because the other two members are not here yet. :”D

# Esther, the girl who is almost the same size as I am and Wah Yan.

# Me and Esther

# Me on my bed. I’ve to climb up and down and I swear I’m not gonna have double decker as my bed for my whole life. Its very tiring.. -.-

# Ready, pose! pose! pose! Lol..

# We interview the France people and they say they love Malaysia. :”) That boy in the middle is their soon and he is extremely cute. He said that he like Malaysia when he takes the monorail and he don’t like Malaysia when he don’t get to take the monorail. Haha, he loves monorail a lot.

# Us and the Hongkies, we took them to Petaling Street. I love to talk to them because the way we speak Cantonese are somewhat different and I find it very funny. Hehe..

# I know, I know.. My face looks damn fat here, so don’t look at me. Look at the handsome Japanese guy beside of me. He is the macho macho type and he stays in the same dorm as us. Hahahahaha..

After all the interview is done, its our free time. :”D
We eat, we shop, we play, we sleep, we have quite some fun.
No, we actually have a lot of fun. Its girls night out! We went clubing on Saturday night because its ladies night at Maison and we don’t have to go home to sleep. Muahahahaha.. Girls have to be naughty and have fun once in a while. Haha, although it seems like I’m naughty all the time but nevermind la.. Shh…

# Before we make up and do all the girly girly stuff.

# After the make up.. Hehehe…

# Our room is in a low light condition and we did not take pictures using flash so I have to edit these pictures and it turn out a bit, erm…. cacat.

# Wah Yan, me and Clara. We camwhore non-stop, haha.

# Me and Wong Ee Cheeng at Maison.. I have to edit my clubing pictures because my face is damn red all the time from the alcohol I minum.. Its Long Island this time..

# Lots of guys talk to her that night, ngek ngek..

Its so tiring but I really enjoy myself. Never know that girls night out can be that fun. Its even better to go out with guys. :”D The next time, I shall go Sky Bar with my girls.

This trip cost a lot because I lost my damn phone. But well, whats lost is lost. I’m not really very sad over it, hehe. :”)
Wanna thanks my group mates for all the fun.
Wanna thanks Nam Hon for fetching me home to take my another handphone.
Wanna thanks Chun Chong for fetching me over to the guesthouse and lend me your pillow and also for all the care. :”)

I have a nice weekend. :”D

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