Bangkok with Tays : Day 4 & Day 5

Someone needs to smack my lazy ass!!
Sometimes I dislike doing travel posts, I always have too many pictures!

I’ve been really busy during Chinese New Year, busy enjoying the festive season hehe.
Lotsa this and that. Now that I’m slightly less busy (I guess or I hope) I can finally continue updating what’s needed to be update.

I do blame Dayre at the same time too because I update my Dayre really often instead of my blog. :(
Dayre makes blogging or rambling a lot more easier which explains why.

So back to my last Bangkok post, I requested for a room change from wood element to metal element because when I showered, water leaked out from the door.

#1 Here’s the metal element room that we changed to.



Everything’s decent, clean and the room was really comfortable.
I do highly recommend Sofitel So hotel for everything that it is. Attentive, clean, smells and looks good. Even their employees look good, they have quite a number of pretty Thai ladies working on the front desk. ;)

#4 Fatty’s mom was craving for breakfast buffet so we had it at the hotel that morning.


#6 I love how they put in effort into decorations.

I love seeing nice decorations and designs, it makes me happy. :)



#9 First stop for the day was Erawan Shrine or Four Face Bhuddha, that one place I’ll go back to every time I visit Bangkok.

#10 Second stop was Siam Centre. I kinda love Siam Centre because they have a lot of awesome boutiques with great interior designs.

I don’t get to buy anything from Siam Centre cause there’s nothing cheap from there but I love looking around at decos.

#11 So inspired!

#13 Third stop was Mr.Jones Orphanage, a cafe inside Siam Centre.

Ashely Sutton is the man behind this quirky pastry venue. It was established in 2012, while its name was based on a children’s book of the same name. His newest creation, Mr. Jones’ Orphanage, is a Milk Bar featuring age-old recipes from Ash’s own grandmother, Amy Hipkin. The entire interior are made of the light color of wood, which give you a warm feeling and relaxed atmosphere. Its fairy-tale-like design and decoration with fluffy teddy bears, vintage prints, and toys also gives you a feeling like you’ve have experienced the moment in your childhood once again. Some people say it was like you are in a kid’s toy store.

#14 The Jones Orphanage at Siam Centre is based on choo-choo train and the seating is really cute. The only downside is that with these seating they cant accommodate a very big bunch of guests.

#15 Love the train tracks. They should make these train tracks move like a conveyor belt and have their cakes move around like sushi. It’s gonna be so cute haha.

#16 Spoilt for choice.

#17 I ordered a piece of carrot cake which was pretty good.

#18 And here’s our mini chocolate drink.

#19 So cute right!? One’s not enough for Fatty so he ordered another mini milk lol.


We shopped around at Siam Centre for a few hours and headed back to hotel later on to take a short rest.
We only had one massage session during the trip and to help ease the pain on my leg, I filled our bathtub with hot steamy water and dipped in my feet in it.

#21 Felt so much better after dipping my feet into the hot bathtub.

#22 We really needed it.

#23 Like really. Okay the water was too hot for me for a moment.

#24 :)

#25 Dinner was at Thip Samai for Pad Thai and Thip Samai is one of the most famous Pad Thai restaurant in Bangkok.

#26 Their Pad Thais’ are cook using charcoal and when you hear the word charcoal you know it’s gonna be good.

#27 There’s a few versions of Pad Thai, some with eggs wrapped around, some with crab meats and what not.

#28 It was really good and I’m really craving for a plate right now!

They’re open around 5pm and when we were there about 8.30pm it wasn’t really pack.
I’m so gonna go back the next time I”m at Bangkok!

#29 Because Fatty’s dad love eating (that’s the only thing he wants to do during this trip haha), we went to the restaurant few shops away from Thip Samai and eat for another round. Nothing much to shout about, just a random restaurant.

The next day, we didn’t do much except for some last minute shopping at Platinum Mall and we had some desserts and drinks at a cafe because we’ve got a flight to catch at 9pm.

#30 Here’s the cafe that Fatty’s sister picked, it’s called Un-Fashion cafe. Love the rustic look on this weird shape building.

#31 It’s located at Ekamai and along the way, there’s a lot of nice shops and exteriors for us to take a good look at.

#32 There’s nothing to not love about it.


#34 It’s a little small inside the cafe but small means cosy.

#35 Cosy right? I can imagine spending the entire afternoon here catching up with friends or catching up with notes if I’m still a student.

#36 Could possibly just turn this thing into a cosy house, how frigging nice.





#41 Thai ice tea.

#42 Bye-bye one of my favourite city, I’ll see you again.

Once again, a big thank you to Tay’s family for having me with them throughout this trip.
I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did.

Address: Seenspace Thonglor 13, Siam Center, Bangkok, Thailand

Address: 313 313 Thanon Mahachai, Phra Nakorn
Hours: 5 pm – 3 am daily
Phone: 022216280

Address: Ekkamai Soi 10, Bangkok

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