
Finally I’ve got my own blogshop and finally I’m posting this up in my blog.
Something that I really wanna do for quite sometime but didn’t have the chance to.
Well, as for this time I sort of like stumble upon it.

For those who don’t know me well, I’m quite a stingy person when it comes to shopping.
Rm40 for a top, that’s expensive. Rm60 for a dress, kinda pricey too.
And because of reasons like this, I prefer to DIM (do-it-myself) haha. Of course, that is if I have the ability to.
I cant make a top or dress quite yet, but I can make accessories. (:

The stingy me didn’t want to pay for expensive accessories and so I decided to DIM.
The accessories look quite appealing so I just post it up and try my luck. I’m soooo happy when I get emails from babes, so finally here I am trying to promote the blogshop I set up. (:

Click click click (:

Wondering what does Cheville means?
It means peg, in French. Peg that we clip on clothes. (:
Cheville is pronounce as ‘shuhh-vy’. I hope I didn’t get that wrong, I google it. mwahahah :P

I hope all will went well. Slowly, I’m walking towards my dream and I’m really glad.
To all babes, please support me.
And to all guys, please support me too. Buy it for your girl, mwahah.

With Love,
Cheville aka Peggy. ((:

p/s: Someone told me this the other day. ‘In a total of 100 steps you might fall 99 times but once you reach the 100th step you will be the winner. No doubt. If you’re wondering why you fail after a success, that just means you haven’t reach the 100th step yet. I seriously have to bear this in mind. Failure breeds success.


  1. Fene October 22, 2009

    Hi Peggy…Fene’s here!
    Wondering if you make all the accessories above?
    den…how to make order?I love the bracelet “the gold in that marble”!
    I love the ribbon’s bow too!!

    Just wanna know how to make order~waiting for ur reply!!


  2. Peggy October 23, 2009

    Fene: Hi babe. Yeah, I made all those and thanks for the compliment. (: You can just send me an email to make the order. [] Cheers.

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