Day 1 in Malacca

Yiip, I’m back from Malacca. Omigod, Malacca is extremely freaking hot. Its so much hotter than KL because there isn’t much trees.

* This is the place we sleep in. Twenty, a guest house.

* Our room, which cost us RM40 each person. My bed, Yin Yee’s bed, and Esther’s bed.

After putting all our stuff in the room, we have chicken rice for our first meal in Malacca.

* Hoe Kee Chicken Rice.

* Very chinese-y feel..

* Wah Foon, Wah Hei, Wah Yan.

* Woo, very nice chicken.

* I ate 8 chicken rice balls and it cost me 20cents each. Expensive.

* Quite oily Asam fish.

* Peanut and don’t-know-what soup, it taste very sweet. Delicious.

After the chicken rice, we went into OrangUtan House.

* The OrangUtan House.

* All the T-shirts are designed by Charles Cham, a local designer.

* I wanted to buy this tee, but I choose a cheaper one. This is for Rm30. I just like all the tees there, very Malaysian. :”D

We walked around the streets, all sweating like pigs.

* Colourful clogs hanging everywhere.

* Very cheap and beautiful postcards. I love the Chinese lady postcards.

* Me and cute Wah Foon. :”D

* Yin Yee and me, after eating Cendol at 88.

* After eating and sweating like a pig, we went back to have a nap. This is the view from Twenty. Very rich colours.

* Esther and me. I look so terrible, lack of sleep kills.

* We went out to search for foods again. That is Popiah, Sun Pun Zi (never saw that in KL) and don’t-know-fried-what-vege-thingy.

* Asam Laksa.

* Vinyl. OMG, Vinyl. They still exist.

* Esther, Yin Yee, Wah Yan, Wah Hei, and me.

* Hahahahahahahahaha. Omg, I look so funny. Very very funny specs.

After fooling around on the streets, we finish our night by having Satay Celup. Haha..

* Capitol Satay Celup.

* Very dirty, I know.

We sweat like a pig from the time we reached till night. No wind at all. We went back to our rooms, and end our night with this……

* I’m not very sure if the names are correct. I couldn’t differentiate the hands. Hahaha..

And off we went to bed!


  1. michelle September 5, 2008

    wah… the hotel room looks really nice. may i know the name and location of the hotel. im goin to plan a trip with my friends.

  2. Peggy September 5, 2008

    Its called Twenty and its at the Jonker street there..

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