Ken’s 21st

It’s Ken’s 21st Birthday. : )
Lots and lots of birthdays recently, which means I’m getting poorer and poorer. Haha, I’m just kidding.
I love you guys so much, I don’t mind getting poorer to get you guys presents, haha.

* That’s Ken Jee and his girlfriend.

* As usual, the bite-that-candle-from-that-cake session.
Friends are shouting, ‘Oi oi, don’t play with that cake. Its one freaking expensive cake’.. Haha..

* Ee Cheeng, me, and Ken Jee. I’m so not gonna let him stand beside me and take pictures, forever bully me and called me pendek. Boo..

* Oopsi, hand is not long enough, cut out Yee Wah’s face.

* Ah, a much better one. : )

* Me and Jian Yi and lots of packet drinks.

* Man and woman. Don’t know whats up with him lately, giving me a very weird feeling. -.-

* Wee, footballer Wilson and me.

Talking about football, last night is shit. Liverpool won the game, 4-1.
Lucky I didn’t manage to catch the game, or else I’ll be even more disappointed, seeing Liverpool keep scoring.
And lucky it wouldn’t affect too much, not like the match between Inter Milan.
I didn’t get to see how Ronaldo score the second goal that day, stupid Wilson talking to me about Raymond Lam’s facial cleanser. T____________T
Woah, I sleep at 6 morning that day, just to catch the match. Crazy, I know.
Gawd, why am I talking bout football here. I better stop, lol.

* Oh, this is for Kee Pok’s 21st Birthday. That’s ice-cream from Baskin Robbin, I pick for him. :’D
I just love giving little surprises like this to my friends, I’m happy when I know I get to make them happy. : )

I want to wish a very Happy 21st Birthday to Mr. Tan Ken Jee and Mr. Tan Kee Pok. May both of you have a very bless birthday and many many happy returns. Mwah!! : )


  1. vel March 16, 2009

    hi…would u mind to teach me how to create a blog like yours?

  2. Peggy March 17, 2009

    vel: Hello.. : ) Erm, you need to sign up at WordPress, and then pick a theme you like and you can start blogging.

  3. vel March 18, 2009

    thx~u were nice!
    I like to read Ur blog….
    better than others who just know to write sumthing meaningless…
    Take Care~

  4. Peggy March 19, 2009

    vel: you’re welcome.. :) Thanks for reading, but sometimes my blog is pretty meaningless though.. haha.. You take care too.. cheers..

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