My 20th Birthday

I’m 20 already and I feel very old. : (
But I have a great birthday this year. I think by far, this is one of the best birthday I have. : )

On 4th November, I went out with both of my brothers. I miss my elder brother a lot and I’m so happy that he remembers my birthday. : )
He called me up and 3 of us went over to Sungai Wang to buy presents. Hahaha..

# The 3 of us.

# That’s my younger brother with his present, the shark bag. The bag looks really nice.

I love both of my brothers so much. They bought me something that I wish for. Thank you so so much. :’D

# Its the Sony MP4. :’D Yes, I said I want to get the Creative Stone but this Sony is more worth it. I still like the Stone and will get it when I have extra cash. : ) This Sony cost Rm399 for 4GB.

And then at night I went out to celebrate with Dexter and his colleague. They are really funny people, keep making me laugh. Haha..

# Dex, thanks for the meal and the effort. : )

# And also thanks for the cake.

# I hope my wish come true. : )

# Say cheese….

# Haha, the cake is cut into very small pieces.

# The cake distributor, Simon and Jasper, who keeps making faces.

# Jasper holding the very tiny cake and his sad look. Haha..

# The boys acting cool, haha..

# Hong and me.

# Group picture, you guys are fun and I have a happy night. : )

The next day on my birthday itself I went out to have a breakfast with someone.

# Ok, sorry. I like to do weird things to my picture sometimes. Haha.. Thanks for the treat Kok Wai. <3 After that I went out for lunch with my brothers again.
# Sigh, lack of sleep and my eyes look so small.

And then I went over to my friend’s house for steamboat and sleepover. : )

# Lots and lots of food and we couldn’t finish it.

# Esther and me.

# Esther and Wah Foon holding their cards. Losers have to eat and eat because there is too much food. Lucky I’m not the loser, haha.

# Me and Wah Foon. The other 3 are not willing to take pictures with me because they say they look very messy. : (

# Birthday cakes. : )

# I shift to middle and now cannot see me already. But look at the Wah Yan in blue shirt, hahaha. She is so funny and keep making us laugh. Hahaha..

# Our alcohol, jeng.

# Martell.

My face as usual turns into a red tomato after drinking. Even my eyes are red. Finish drinking, went to bed and sleep straight away. : P

There is more birthday pictures coming and I’ll just divide it into two posts.

1 Comment

  1. lala November 8, 2008

    hi which shop dat u buy the shark bag! which floor? thanks

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