Just last year I was strolling KLCC with this guy friend of mine who works at Tiffany, not paying much attention to the shops I passed by.
Most of the time it seems pretty pointless to me, strolling at malls like KLCC and Starhill.
Call me cheapskate, I’ll rather go to Sungai Wang. Hey, at least I get to spend okay.
Anyway, what was I saying?
Yeah, KLCC.
I was just pretty much strolling without my soul (since I cant shop) and chatting with this guy friend.
Then I came into an abrupt stop, my eyes were literally locked by this gorgeous bag.
For a moment I thought I’m in love. Maybe I am.
Those bags, so stunning and looking all gorgeous even Louis Vuitton cant beat it.
Walked right into the shop without even realising the brand, wanting to check out the price right.
Still remember how taken aback I was. It’s almost impossible not to laugh.
four digits. oh wow, that was A LOT!
step out of the shop, tilt my head a little to catch a glimpse of the brand (feeling really stupid).
the only thing I managed to say at that moment is, ‘ohh, no wonder’.
It feels as though someone rejected my love. I feel sad.
Yes, Marc J rejected my love.
Now I know how it feels like to be a poor boy who falls in love with a rich girl. :cry:
Marc Jacobs quilted stam bags.
* love at first sight. and I’m still loving it after a year.
* i’m so loving the buckle and the chain.
just let me say this one more time. these babies are so pretty, my love for them are indescribable.
and just a couple of weeks ago I went for a friend’s birthday dinner.
‘wow, her bag looks really nice.’ (first time ever praising someone’s bag)
i stare at it for a little bit longer. the more i stare, the more it looks like a marc j’s bag and i cant hold myself any longer.
‘is this marc jacobs’ bag?’ and she answered yes.
omg! :shock: my jaw dropped. I feel like caressing her bag for a moment. wtf
the only word i can come out with, ‘omg omg omg omg omg omg’.
i can repeat ‘omg’ for a thousand times but of course i have to pretend that i’m sane.
i think i repeated it a thousand times in my mind. sigh, such love.
not only are marc jacobs’ bag lovely, stuff from marc by marc jacobs are absolutely adorable too.
you’ve got to trust me on this.
* marc by marc jacobs’ earring. you do trust me now right?
* i’ll tie my hair everyday with this.
* or put on this headband everyday.
* cuteness overload! no girls can resist such cute flats.
* my facial expression is exactly like miss marc on this bag.
* i saw this bag while i shopped at thailand and i almost snatched this bag home. you twist the button on the eyes to open the bag. how awesome!
* miss marc swimsuit. throw this to me and a swimming pool please.
* who wouldn’t look cute using Marc Jacobs’ transparent umbrella? you tell me.
i can go on forever!
dear marc j,
my love for you will never change.
i will own you once i have the ability to.
we will be so in love, we’ll live happily ever after.
to the real marc j,
why are you gay?
i wanna marry you so i can have all the bags!