One day at Malacca.

Call me slowpoke, it’s been almost a month since Ben left and now only I got around to post our Malacca one day trip.
Yes, I’m that lazy when it comes to editing pictures from trips.

The last time we went to Port Dickson, he wanted to let me try his hometown’s famous beef noodle but we were too late by the time we arrived.
So this time round, we tried our luck again.

* Famous beef noodle at Pasar Besar Seremban, can pretty much smell the aroma when I walked pass.

* So much more different from the beef noodle at KL. Both have their own distinguish flavour and I enjoyed eating both. What’s special about Seremban’s beef noodle is that they add peanut and sesame into it and their sauce is thick and special. The beef and the sauce just blends so well together. And the noodle we ordered is Seremban’s ‘lou shu fun’ which is also different from those we see at KL. Seremban’s ‘lou shu fun’ looks more like asam laksa’s noodle.
All in all, the combination is just great and it’s really tasty. I am so gonna eat this again. :9

We both shared a bowl for fear that our tummy will not be spacious enough for other Malacca’s food if we ordered a bowl for each of us.
And as usual, our first stop is Hoe Kee’s chicken rice.

*dayumnn, i’m missing all the foods!!

* fooled around at jonker street.

* i bought this boxing thingy, works quite well when i have a back pain.

* stopped by for eggy ice-cream.

* Rm3 sour plum flavour *refreshing* (I think the ice-cream on Ben’s tshirt is more interesting.)

We both wanted to go to Baba Nyonya museum so badly but I guess we wasted too much time at Jonker Walk, by the time we reached they’re already close. I was so sad, I wanted to go so so badly. ):

* Plan B, Cheng Ho’s museum which is pretty interesting. Didn’t know that he’s that powerful back then.

* And this museum is a lot larger than I thought, it feels like a maze inside.

After getting to know the great Cheng Ho we went to Stadhuys for a walk.

* Haha, my cute Romeo ♥ (:

Decided to look for my brother for dinner afterwards and we had a little argument before that. Ben wanted to take trishaw back to our car because we parked pretty far but I insisted that we should walk back because it’s expensive. What a stupid argument that almost ruined our day. Pfft, I cant help being stingy.

Fetched my brother and he suggested this beef bak kut teh.

* Actually it’s not a beef bak kut teh, just that they sell bak kut teh and beef in claypot but people called it beef bak kut teh. It’s pretty good, especially if you eat it in cold weather. But I doubt if Malacca will ever be cold.

Last stop is at Nadeje for their Mille Crepe which I’ve already blogged about.

* A very comfortable place.

* It’s insane we’re already so full yet we ordered Mille Crepe and my brother ordered Salad. Pricing is really reasonable for their ambiance and food which taste pretty good.
Accidentally saved my picture as low quality, hence this really low quality picture.

* And lastly some pictures from Ben’s iphone.

We’re running out of time because Ben’s leaving or else we’re gonna stay a night there. Too bad. ):
I wanna go to Melaka Wonderland so badly!! It’s like A’Famosa or Sunway Lagoon but much cheaper and lotsa slides!!

* Just look at the slides!! ohmaigawd!! I don’t care if it’s lousier than the both mentioned above cause I’m bored of them. And this is cheap!
Rm26 on weekdays and Rm30 on weekends.

I’m so gonna go!

1 Comment

  1. […] me salivate. Sometimes it is pretty torturous to do food post. Dayumn! Rm6 if I’m not wrong. Here’s the post where I’ve talked about it earlier […]

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