Sri Murni’s Gathering

Never thought of joining any of the Sri Murni’s gathering after I left the school.
Well, we don’t have such thing as Facebook back then, cant really keep in touch with them friends.
So all hail Facebook please for allowing us to keep in touch with ‘old’ friends. (:

* My standard one year book. Click to enlarge. :*D

* No, this is not standard one. It’s me during kindergarten, spot me. :*D

It’s great to have gathering with the Murnians although I can barely remember them.
That’s like so long ago, I left the school after standard 3. @__@
We went to Talipon Restuarant at Kuchai Lama for our dinner which is suggested by Gary and Ernest, but Ernest is no where to be found.
Wish he could be there with us, its been so long since I last met him.

* Ouh, corn.

* Like the beef and lamb. *yummy*

* Jian-Xin who migrated to New Zealand. He’s going off to Sweden so he drop by at Malaysia for awhile. All the best at Sweden. (:

* We use to be so small size back then, haha.

* Me and Chayenne! I’ve known him since kindergarten, hence the kindergarten picture above. Go spot him as well. (:

* Group picture.

* Another one.

* Me and Gary, taken with my camera. Obviously, cause its blur. I cant figure out the ‘anti-shock’ till this very day, wtf.

* muahaha, camwhore . smile (:

It’s a great night really.
I hope to go back to Sri Murni for a walk, to look around.
I still remember the very cute uniform where we girls have this red blouse thingy, use to run around with the boys under the chalet, then go to the basketball court behind, ah..and the canteen. (:
Gary, let’s go back. :*D

Photo courtesy of Gary Ng but I photoshop it to make it brighter, lol.


  1. ashley tan August 19, 2009

    are you in the first row, third person from the left? (: hahahaha i guess so.

  2. Peggy August 20, 2009

    ashley tan: yeah.. (: the one who sat beside teacher, hehe.

  3. ashley tan August 20, 2009

    hahahah awww so cute. lol i guess you don’t know who am i .

  4. Peggy August 20, 2009

    ashley tan: haha, thankiuu.. yah, i don’t know who you are but you can tell me.. (: cheers_

  5. ashley tan August 20, 2009

    if you do you will hate me. how to tell you leh? erm i know jasper ? he use to work at my father’s shop? yeah. hahaha you will hate me already. ): ): ):

  6. Peggy August 21, 2009

    ashley: i’m already wondering if its you.. haha.. crazy girl, i don’t hate you.. (:
    J’s and dex’s little sister right? seriously, i don’t hate you.. no worries.. cheers.. (:

  7. ashley tan August 21, 2009

    hahahha lol me crazy? seriously thought you hate me weyh. like seriously no joke. sorry if i do anything wrong that make you mad. but i dont know what. hehehhehe.

  8. ashley tan August 21, 2009

    you didnt accept me in facebook also. ): ashberry peekiney alexander (: that one. hahahah lol i know such a hilarious name.

  9. Peggy August 21, 2009

    ashley: orh, that’s you.. I don’t know thats you thats why i didn’t approve yet, haha.. nolarh, i don’t hate you. serious shit, lol. (:

  10. ashley tan August 21, 2009

    hahaha LOL serious shit? i like your blog a lot. (: so colourful and nice.

  11. Peggy August 21, 2009

    ashley: hahaha.. thankiuuu.. :*D

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