Yo peeps, I’ve done my supplementary test for my PR. : )
Huge huge relief actually but at the same time I am kind of worry.
I really have no idea whether I’m going to pass it or not, 50-50.
I hope I pass. I have to pray non-stop from now on.
I really need to pass this or else I’ll be so dead.
I’ve been studying for so so many hours for the past few days. But when I was about to answer the structured question, I went blank. Omg, super panic.
And I sit inside the hall for the whole 2 hours, which is something I normally will not do.
Another midterm exam coming on Monday and an assignment which looks like a tough one but am not very sure yet due on 3 weeks time.
So am I going to start studying and doing on my assignment? Yes yes, but not right away.
I’m going over Bangsar tomorrow and Bijou Bazaar on Saturday. : D
Shoooooooping day!!! How can I miss Bijou Bazaar? No way, I’ve been missing it for a lot of times.
I’m gonna do a Thank You post very very soon. I really have to thanks these people. : )
Sigh, stupid ulcers are all over my tongue again.
Oh, and and and being busy and concentrating on more important stuff is actually good because it keeps you away from stupid stupid things that comes into your brain when you are oh-so-free. Sigh, I know everyone knows this.
Oklah, nothing else to say. Byebye.
Oh, Moonlight Resonance is damn jeng. 4 more episodes to go.
P/S: I am so bad at giving tittles sometimes. I’ll just start with Untitled 1, Untitled 2, and goes on whenever I cant think of the title. :p