If you haven’t know already, I’m currently working on an event.
It’s a flea market called Vintage Christmas Market and it’s happening tomorrow, Saturday from 11am to 6pm at my office.
I know having a flea market in an office sounds pretty weird but my office is no ordinary office.
Not those normal office with partitions and all.
We’re now trying to turn our office into a mini vintage market, hah.
This is my first time making an event happen with the help of my designer friends.
Just a small indoor market for a test run, specially dedicated to local designers and crafters.
I’m pretty excited about this and I’ll have a booth too on that day, selling scones baked by boyf’s mom (:
I hope I don’t finish eating all of them, it’s too darn good.
I’ll probably be dead tired in this coming two days, hope it’s all worth it.
Please support and join me this Saturday, hehe.
y can see ur noob face in the flyer geh ?? .. xD !!