Yummy Meiji

Meiji, Meiji, Meiji,
I’ve gone crazy…
Argh, don’t know what I’m trying to say..

Ok, went to Popular and bought my Meiji biscuit.
Panda biscuit………. Taste nice, smell nice, look nice..
I am not really obsessed with it, but this panda biscuit can really do a great snack.
A healthy snack I supposed.. Definitely healthier than chips which contain tons of msg.
And its very cute I tell you.. Okay, let me show you the picture.

Yan Yan – Double Cream (strawberry & chocolate)

Hello Panda – Vanilla Flavour
I looovvveeee this vanilla, taste damn good I tell you..

Hello Panda – Double Chocolate

All of the above cost around 2 something.. I forgot the price already..

Nyek nyek, me eating the Yan Yan biscuit..
I have not open the panda biscuit yet because I don’t wanna finish it up so early.

Mr. Boyfriend’s panda biscuit is way bigger than mine.
He loves the panda more than me.. :(
He is absolutely obsessed with the panda biscuit.

image73.jpg –> Look at him!! He damn enjoy his panda..

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