A night at Quatro

First time stepping foot in Quatro and to be frank I don’t like it.
Nothing excites me in there. :\

* The last time hitting a club with my clubbing kaki ):

* red face, drank quite a lot that night. so much more than my usual intake of alcohol.

* looks like he’s forcing a smile, hah.

* where is sotong looking at!?

* smiles (:

* us and the birthday boy, douglas. drunk or something.

* Weng Kee and Douglas .

Quatro sucks but that night is good for me (:
That’s about it.
Wordy post next time.

1 Comment

  1. Carpet Tiles December 3, 2010

    having a regular nightlife can make your life a very colorful one, i enjoy having nigh outs ~.’

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