Tag Archives: clubbing

We Hit Turbulence!

It has been too long, TOO LONG!

Cant deny the fact that I’m indeed aging growing aging (okay aging!!).
I don’t wanna go on and on and on about this. I’m gonna ramble no more for now.
‘Act happening’ pictures, here you go.

* Me and Wesley, somewhere around New Year.

* The Melbourne kakis at Velvet.

* With the Sandakians, they are friendly people. (:

* Two weeks ago with Victoria and Sam.

* Alvin who went missing afterwards, Fatty and I.

* Hi baby fatty.

* And last Saturday, for Poh Juan’s birthday at Phuture.

* Fatty trying out a new hair style, aka pineapple head which shocked his mom.

* I like Yan’s colourful dress!

* Yan, birthday boy, me and Fatty.

Just a little something to feed you readers.
There’s a whole lot of photo editing to do for my upcoming post, so this will do for now.
Cant wait for the weekend to come already!

A normal Halloween.

Just came to realise that lately pictures of me and my friends are decreasing.
The main reason to this is because my camera died and I do not plan to get one anytime soon.
No camera, no pictures.
I’m not too affected by this since I’m always out with the boyf and if I’m really in the mood, I can take pictures with his Iphone which is something I always do. (:
But of course there are times when I miss taking pictures with my camera.
Use to snap pictures like crazy whenever I’m out with friends.

So to feed my blog, here’s a few taken last Saturday during Halloween at Zouk.
I did not dress myself up in costumes or more like we did not.
But if I have the chance next year, probably I will.
I had fun seeing people dress up, their outlook entertained me. :D

* Taken with boyf’s Iphone. Zoe and me (:

Remaining pictures are from Zoe’s camera.

* Zoe holding the little mask that Zouk gives us.

* Both the guys looking cute :D

* Absolutely no idea what Ben and me trying to do.

* Great buddies, having such ugly expression HAHA.

There goes October and here comes November, one of my favourite month. :D
And I know, this year’s November is gonna be different.
I cannot wait for the weekend to come because it’s gonna be a long weekend. (:
Excited !!

Party Animals

Exactly when was the last time I posted about clubbing!?
It’s like I retire from the party scene when in fact, not.
Just that I’m too lazy to sort the pictures out but here I am, doing what I should. (:

Clubbing in Melbourne is a pain in the ass during winter.
Imagine walking on the road with less than ten degree weather in a ‘skimpy’ clothing.
I mean, cant be expecting me to wear four layers of clothes like how I normally would, to a club right.
Just a cardigan over my short dress and that’s it. /freeze
And then what do I do with the cardigan in the club? Hang it in the cloak room for 5 dollars each time.
Annoying much.

And then normally there isn’t any table for us in the club, unlike here in Malaysia.
They just goes up to the bar and buy shots instead of opening bottles.
No tables, no chairs equals to no place for me to sit.
I cant be dancing in my heels for a few hours straight, I’ll probably die from exhaustion.
Unless I follow the guys to the smoking area, which is an outdoor, which means cold to death.

I guess I’m just not use to it.
But then again, the people I club with in Melbourne are nice people to hang out with (:

* first clubbing in Melbourne.

* the guys at Alumbra.

* bass lounge’s smoking area.

* look at that red face ben, haha.

* the guys enjoying their drinks at neverland.

* <3
* dennis the little brother and me.

* me and wesley, and he’s only 18!!

* moments when I’m lazy to use my camera.

* my fatty. HAHA!

* victoria and me.

* jovin (:

I feel like I’m too old for clubbing sometimes.

hardcore-est clubbing week.

didn’t really club for one whole month and my body is feeling all itchy D:
last week was the first week, clubbing with friends.
kind of like 3 days in a row, it almost killed me wtf.

1# last thursday at 4play for a friend’s birthday.

* happy birthday andrew teh fuh haur.

* oww my earing is shinny :!:

* highschool mate : cheah, tien seng who can really really drink, fuh haur, kok hoe, and me. as usual, i’m the only girl cause as usual my bff hilang tak tau mana!

* and also my pool buddy who loses to me. bwahaha

* so called social smoker, forced him to snap a picture.

* kok hoe, me and ben (:

#2 went over to G6 with ben and his cousin, was bored to death. fly over to sunway giza for some shisha at starlight later on. sunway giza is so far away, i prefer the one at damai anytime but it has already been closed down ):

#3 saturday night at phuture with ma bitches :D

* susan, she’s just toooooo cute :3

* bryan and lie peh.

* emo boy, lie peh and ben.

* really, why is susan so darn cute!?

* maybe bryan is cuter. hahaha.

* or lie peh! she looks so happy here, hahaha.

* ben’s red face always scares me.

this is the most hardcore-est i’ve ever been. *mad*
but i did had fun, as usual. (:
i just wish to chill for this week, if possible.

and if you didn’t know, i just came back from port dickson this afternoon.
will blog about it soon.
have a great day ahead people (:

dirty bit

berclubbing again! it’s always like that.
partying non-stop during the end of the year.
thrice a month, it’s fine. bwaha!

* bff’s bf. gah! i miss my long hair Y_Y *sob*

* pretty ariel. her legs are so longggg, i prolly look like a midget beside her. hmm, maybe i look like a midget standing next to anyone wtf.

* jovin mclovin, me and ben.

* TADA!! bryan chong is back!! (:

he lied and said he’ll be back on sunday!! and when we’re about to enter he stood next to me i was so shock.
gosh! a good surprise indeed :D

* me gettin tipsy. red eyes, boohoohoo.

* sorry-i-forgot-his-name, me, kah kit, and happy bryan.

* this. is. gay! why is bryan touching pj’s chin? :???: gosh!

* me, bryan, yi kye and victor (twins wannabe).

* the-best-taurus (‘drunk’) as he claims to be. can tell he’s kinda off from this picture, bwaha.

* dancefloor :cool:

sigh. i miss berclubbing with my bff. no one to get excited with when the deejay played miami bitch wtf.
luckily i still have a bunch of kakis or else! my life will end just like that D:
yes i am a sei clubber and i enjoy every bit of it as long as i have my bunch of awesome pawsome friends.

and i cant wait for tomorrow to come.
i’ve got the tickets on hand, i’m going to Heineken Thirst!!!!! boy, i’m so excited.
godskitchen! chuckie! joey g! *slurrrrrrppp*

go grab your tickets if you haven’t already.
it’s gonna be a blast!!

There’s always reasons to Partay!

and one of the best reason is of course, birthdays.
second will be the come back of whichever friend from a foreign country.
third will be farewells.

but for whatever reasons, all we want is just to have fun and enjoy the partay!! :D
and these set of pictures were taken last week during my birthday eve at zouk. (:

* need no introduction.

* poh juan disturbing me and victor!

* me, bei-look-gavin and zoe.

* i don’t think i look nice in this picture but for some reason i feel like i look very happy and i like it. heh!

* my twins babe and me (:

* yan, me, ian the zouk ambassador, and foon.

* and there, poh juan kacau-ing again.

Something was bothering me that night and I was expecting to have an emotional birthday eve at zouk but hey, turned out to be not that bad after all.

Going to clubs and partying with friends have always been interesting to me.
For whatever reasons we gave ourself, it is usually less about celebrating a person or event.
Rather, it’s more about celebrating a bunch of people in an altered state which is often altered by alcohol, music, the darkness, lightings, great laughs and everything else.

This altered state where only partays can give me for the moment are the reason I so look forward to clubbing nights.
In this state, people hold hands with close friends, friends, not-so-close-friends, or even someone they just met.
People have fun together, dance together, giving all the warm hugs to friends, whoever the friends are.
And sometimes this state of being so close to someone gives me warmth and i’m happy.
We just have fun and dance without giving a care in the world, singing loudly and sometimes yelling our lungs out.
We just hold each other closer, so much closer than we normally would.

Sometimes I wonder why do I need such excuses and parties to make myself happy.
But then again why care? as long as i’m happy. that happiness that nothing can disrupt you and you’re so into that moment. all you focus on is the music, alcohol, friends, and dancing. how often do we stay at such moment?
well, i’m just glad that we get those moments to hold each other extra closer and enjoy the night together. (:

i guess you’ll only enjoy partying when you enjoy the people you’re with, when you enjoy the music and alcohol, when you enjoy dancing and not afraid of looking silly. such enjoyment (:

below are another set of pictures taken yesterday night for alvin’s birthday.

* cake made by aryil’s sister that taste pretty good.

* it’s a casino chip if you’re wondering what it is and i have extra relighting candles so i used it to make fun of birthday boy. he didn’t quite blow it all off, he just dump all the candles on the floow. he said he’ll throw up if he blows longer, wtf.

* emo boy is too happy. bwaha

* me and lie peh (:

* poh juan, victor, aryil, and alvin the birthday boy.

* boohoo blur picture plus victor’s hand disturbing us. pfft.

i enjoyed both the events. i enjoyed both nights.
i had great fun and i’m so looking forward to bryan’s come back.
*ngek ngek*

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