A trip to Bali with family – Day 8 & Day 9 / Lembongan Island

Bali’s last post!! Which I cant wait to get rid of because it has been stopping me from blogging about something else.

(And to speed up the process because yours truly is lazy, I’ll just do a caption post.)

#1 So on the 8th day, we left from Ubud to Lembongan Island. I was excited but not so much after that because I ended up not swimming in the sea. Or to be exact, dipping myself in the sea.

#2 LOOK AT THAT CRUISE! There were slides on it omg!!

#3 There were lots of hotels and villas on the island, and we of course booked an affordable one.

After settling down, we rent three bicycles and cycled around the island and finally came to a stop which I really like.

#4 That’s seaweed right?

#5 The sand was really harsh and there were lots of something else on the sand which is why I am wearing my flip flop but the water was extremely clear.

#6 We then started walking towards the sea.

#7 And I continued walking and walking, leaving those two behind.

#8 Sorry ah, I hope my naked face didn’t scare you because I really really cant be arse anymore to put on anything on my face except for sunblock because the weather was not friendly. Actually the purpose of my picture is to show you how far I’ve walked.

#9 Why I kept walking and walking was because the water level did not increase at all! It was so shallow no matter how far I walked and I really had a lot of fun. I was really happy because I don’t know where else in the world that allows me to walk that far on the sea without drowning myself. Actually the sea was weirder than that, it became even shallower when I walked further at some point.

#10 A Balinese doing her everyday job, picking up seaweed and pulling them back to the shore.

#11 We tried catching crabs too cause I saw lots of holes on the sand but these crabs move too fast.

I actually love catching crabs at the beach. ;)

#12 It was also my first time getting so close to starfishes, there were so many around me I was so afraid that I might step on them. I saw them moving from one spot to another too, it was fun.

#13 We later on cycled further and stop by to take a look at mangroves.

#14 Some Balinese approached us and asked if we were interested in mangroves tour, telling us that we’ll get to see a lot of things including snakes and that’s when we left haha. My mom and brother are really afraid of snake.

#15 We then head to dinner and watch sunset again but it was very different from the sunsets we watched.

#16 The sunset was this beautiful and I did not edit this picture! Somewhat like a wall painting, so picturesque. :)

On the 9th day, my brother forced me to walked up hill and tour the entire island because the day before I refused profusely.
I wanted to give up so badly and asked them both to continue the journey without me but they wouldn’t allow!
I ended up asking a stranger on a bike to fetch me to our designated destination and skipped all the walking.

#17 While my mom enjoyed the walking…

#18 Walking uphill overlooking the island.

#19 Walking towards Dream Beach.


#21 I really wanted to chill by the beach!

#22 We then walked and walked towards Devil’s Tear.

#23 I don’t see no tear, just a cow and lotsa cow dungs on the grass.

#24 We walked passed all the cow dungs and reached a cliff.




#28 If you look closely, there’s different shade of blue at the end of the cliff. The colour looks really amazing and I enjoyed watching the wave crash on it.

#29 This is the other end of the cliff.

#30 And this is what happened when the waves crashed into it, it was amazing!!

#31 We stayed there for quite a long period because no one was there except us and this place to me, is really quite a weird place. It looks like a farm at the front, a dessert in the middle and then there’s a cliff and scary waves at the back.

Devil’s tear is a must see if you ever go to Lembongan Island and I also advise you to rent a motorcycle to tour around the island because the island is really a little too big to walk by foot.
On the 10th day which is the last day, we left Lembongan Island and were picked up by our driver to take a one last tour before sending us to the airport.

#31 Spot the plane and YAY!!


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