He Just Left

I’m so tired and sleepy right now. My eyes are so bengkak right now. We were suppose to spend our last night sleeping together. I want to be with him for the last few hours. Unfortunately, his dad don’t allow me to stay sleep in his room and ask Shaun to send me back. I cried so hard in the car. His dad say that a girl shouldn’t be so ‘cin cai‘ as in ‘tak apa‘ or so never mind. Its not that I sleep around with guys or what. Its just that I wanna spend the time that I could with him. Argh, whatever, his dad makes us so sad last night.

I was crying in the car so badly and its even worse when I sent him into the gate. I hug him and I cry so hard until I forget to give him a kiss. How I wish I can kiss him now. Such sad feeling..
Suddenly he is gone and is not beside me anymore. I hope he can come back on February for Chinese New Year and I will be going over to New Zealand at the end of April to visit him.

So many pictures I want to share..

The last time eating outside with him.. Its just right outside of Low Yat.
Thats him, the guy with dark blue shirt.

Spicy Fish Ball which is really quite spicy..

Don’t know what its call..

Yummy crispy pig intestine.

Crispy crab and it taste quite sweet, only Rm2..

Normal Chee Cheong Fun..

Duck Rice that taste okay only.

Last Chicken Wing.


Last time cooking maggie for him.
He looks so cute.. I’m missing him so much right now..

Last Pool game together.

We went to Eye on Malaysia but didn’t have the chance to take a ride as it is closing. We will never have the chance again.. :(


Its so hard for me.. I wanna take a rest and not stare at all those pictures or else I am going to cry.. I will wait for him to call me when he reach tomorrow only I will post picture from airport.. So much pain I’m suffering right now. I bet he must be lonely in the plane.


  1. june lee November 14, 2007

    dun cry and dun be sad… i noe it’s hard during the initial stage … but this is the time wic u can test ur relationship…. and how strong is it….. thus, it’s does make ur relationship much more stronger …. u learned to be more independent and aso some hardship whn ur bf is nt around…. well, i always believe tat there are reason for all the things happening around us… cheer up gal!!!

  2. Peggy November 15, 2007

    Its so hard to not think of it sometimes.. I just hope we can become stronger.. Anyway, thanks a lot.. :)

  3. ahlost December 1, 2007

    hope you’re ok by now :)

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