Pretty or ugly?

Just finish bathing.
And I realize something just now.

The moment I think I look the prettiest is right after I take off my clothes and ready to bath. I will stare at the mirror and look at myself for few minutes. Because I think I look nice. My hair a bit messy, but I like it this way.
But other than this moment, I don’t think I look nice.

Sometimes when I went out to cafe or shopping, and when I look at myself from the mirror in the washroom, damn, I look so ugly.
How come I cant look like the way when I am ready to bath?
So funny.. -.-

I look pretty because I look like my mom, and I don’t look pretty because I look like my dad. People might think that I look nice base on my picture, but actually I don’t.
I am not that pretty actually, to be specific, I look ugly.
To me, I can look damn ugly at times. And I hate it.

I don’t like my eyebrows, look so untidy and weird.
I don’t like my forehead, don’t look nice. (Luckily I have fringe to cover it)
I don’t like my mouth, no shape at all and big. I quite hate it, really.
Don’t like my nose, not sharp enough.
Don’t like my eyes, not big enough.
But I like my eye’s colour, something like brown. (This is the only thing I like..)
I don’t like my height, so short!!!
I don’t like my boobs, so small. DON’T LAUGH!!!

Seems like I don’t like so many things about myself.
Although my mouth is not perfect, nose not sharp enough, eyes not big enough, but when all put together,……still ok what..

I look pretty and ugly.
I don’t know what I am saying, and what I am trying to say. Damn.


  1. KuKuJiaoMan February 1, 2007

    Like that when u wan to look pretty, u must go take bath….

    Beauty Lies in the Eye of the Beholder!!! Don’t worry!!!


  2. wahwah February 1, 2007

    peggy oo..
    think positively loo…x think like dat..and actually u aren’t dat bad wat..for me, ur size is cute and u’ve ur own ordinary looking.. a lovely girl i can say..

    y will u say until hate lerr.. let me teach u lerr..when think of “hate this n dat”..then try to think of others.. there r many ppl that are very pity and unfortunate.. those handicap ppl..those blind, retarded..etc.. u r much much more lucky than them..thank god for everything loo.. ^-^ cheer uP la..lenglui

  3. firewire February 1, 2007

    well, ameliawahwah spoke my mind. personally, i have many : dissatisfaction about my outlook but i’m sure the shortcomings will be balanced by the quality that one has..hehe

  4. LanPaKia February 2, 2007

    Hiaz…just remember “There’s no ugly woman but just there are lazy woman…..”

    Going to sleep liao…..=_=

  5. Peggy February 3, 2007

    kukujiaoman: If I keep on take bath, then I very busy already.. Haha..

    Wahwah: my size always let people bully..

    firewire & lanpakia: I don’t know what to say.. -.-

  6. -shaun- February 3, 2007

    i like the way u r… ^^

  7. firewire February 3, 2007

    you dont have to say anything, just appreciate what you have and you are doing good :)

  8. wahwah February 3, 2007

    shaun > ..^^ I like the way u express ur feelings..hehe..nice sentence..

  9. SQUALL @ JINKINZ February 4, 2007

    u r lucky compare with other girl…

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