Sweet Moment – D’lish

I’m blogging so little now and that makes me feel very guilty. So sorry people.
Am I too busy or am I too lazy? Yes, I am too lazy. I slack so much nowadays and I don’t even know what should I blog about. My life is like so routine-like till the extend where I don’t think there is anymore stuff for me to blog about.
Sometimes I’m so determine to do this and that and planned my future but at other times, I feel like a lost duckling quaking around. Enough for all the ranting.

One thing that can always put a smile on my face is F-O-O-D, yes food.
I was craving for dessert yesterday and so I decided to go to D’lish at Bangsar Village.
You will get discount in between the time of 9pm to 10pm. Its a 30% discount if I’m not mistaken.
Thanks a lot to my friends who always take the time and bring me to FOOD. :)
I am always craving for this and that, and I eat damn a lot. I know that.

D’lish at Bangsar Village

Cupcakes : )

Ohmygod, look at those! Its just so hard for us to choose.

This is what we picked. : )

Rm3.36 for Caramel Slice.

Orange mini cupcake, 3 for Rm 4.76.

Tiramisu which cost Rm6.16.

I was cam-whoring and I didn’t notice Fuh Haur behind of me. This looks as though we purposely took it together. Haha..

Ehehehhe, hello. : )

I have a very nice night, very sweet. Please God bless me to be this happy every day. :”)


  1. michelle May 20, 2008

    hey peggy, miss ur updates…

    anyway where is this d*lish located? the tiramisu looks good! does it taste as good as it looks?

  2. Peggy May 20, 2008

    Hey, haha, I’m very lazy to update sometimes. Its at Bangsar Village or you can find it at Midvalley around the Starbucks area. Its not bad, worth giving it a try cause it is kinda cheap. Hehe, maybe you’ll like it. Cheers. :”)

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