A trip to Bali with family – Day 5 / Ubud

Oh wait before I forgot, I must show you my mom’s weird habit.

This was what my mom did in that 10 days at Bali, washing bajus and showcasing it around in our room. Mom is a mom.

After dolphin watching we rushed back to our hotel to have breakfast before we leave to Ubud.

The most decent hotel breakfast, I’d say. Danish and sausages, I couldn’t be happier.

Another Nasi Babi Guling while on our way to Ubud. Nasi Babi Guling is really easy to find, but for a really good one it’s best to do some research.

On the way to Ubud, I was sleeping the entire time so I missed out quite a lot of scenery.

I have this habit of sleeping a lot in the car during road trips but I try not to if boyfriend is the one who drives cause I want to accompany him. I’m a good girlfriend like that. LOL!

The narrow walkway to our hotel, Jati 3 Bungalows.

Just bricks and light bulb but I love.

We were greeted by this cute statue at the entrance. It was Nyepi Day the next day which is Balinese new year, so they dress up these statue with hibiscus. How cute.

We stayed at Jati 3 for 2 nights in Ubud. And having a swimming pool is a must because on the 6th day we were all stranded. More on that later.

Our room with everything bamboo. Quite a decent place except there’s quite a lot of ants and lizards around because they planted a lot of plants around them.

Our balcony where I chill and play with my phone.



I do think it’s quite a nice period to visit Bali during March before their Nyepi day because we get to see and experience their culture that happens only once a year.

Balinese practice Hinduism and a fact that cant be deny is that they are very devoted to their God.
They give their offerings everyday and along the street, you’ll spot them in front of shops, stores, and houses.
Some of them even put their offerings on their car.

Canangsari, Balinese offerings. I try not to step on it while I walk but sometimes especially during the night, I cant see that well. I have to look in front, left, right, and at the floor to watch out for offerings.

Nyepi Day or Balinese new year is very much different from our Chinese New Year or our Calendar’s 1st day of the year.
Instead of celebrating it with fireworks, visiting houses and making lots of noises, it is their Silent Day.
No one is allow on the street on Nyepi Day to the extend where even the airport is close down on that particular day.
Only Pecalangs or the security man is allow on the street to make sure that no one else will be on the street.
Light and noise needs to be keep minimum.
Some of the Balinese fast, and some do not talk at all for the whole day. It is also some sort of like a day for them to reflect.

Which is also why picking a hotel with a pool is very much needed, to keep us from being bored to death.
Thank God for wifi and my brother’s Ipad too, we get to watch PPS.

There were a lot of Ogoh-ogohs on the street.

Ogoh-ogoh are statues built for the Ngrupuk parade, which takes place on the eve of Nyepi day in Bali, Indonesia. Ogoh-ogoh normally have form of mythological beings, mostly demons. As with many creative endeavours based on Balinese Hinduism, the creation of Ogoh-ogoh represents spiritual aims inspired by Hindu philosophy.

No joke, some of the Ogoh-ogohs really look scary and creative.

I especially like this one, hahahaha. There’s even hair on the armpit, LOL!


My brother with two Ogoh-ogohs at Ubud’s field.

Some were made from sponge and they’re really light.


After walking around oohing and aahing over Ogoh-ogohs we stopped by for some gelatos.

Mom was absolutely enjoying her pandan gelato.

While I picked Pistachio ice-cream which is really good. Will be better if it weren’t so sweet.

Balinese temple.

Funny thing is, people in Bali just do not use umbrella under the hot sun but they do have umbrellas around temples to shade statues.

An old lady praying.

I have to buy myself a hideous hat to shade my face from the sun.

And then that’s me again trying to place my lego man.

We then walked around for a little while more at the market before going back for a rest.

Bali sells dicks everywhere as souvenirs.

Some arts sold inside a lane.

And some stones with faces along the way.

Will blog on my awesome dinner that night on the next post.
Too much stuff going on now, my laptop is very laggy.

Monkey Forest St. Ubud-Bali
Phone/Fax: 62-361-973249, 62-361-977101
Email: jati3_ubud@yahoo.com

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