Tag Archives: italian cuisine

25th Birthday Getaway : Japamala Resort – Day 2

On the second day, we both have to wake up at 5am in order to catch our 7am ferry at Mersing jetty to get to Japamala Resort.
It was about an hour and a half drive from Johor Bahru to Mersing Jetty and it is not advisable unless you really want to / have to stop at Johor Bahru.
Roads are bumpy, full with holes and most of the time there’s only one lane. All of these drive my boyfriend crazy haha.

From KL, you probably need about 5 hours of drive to Mersing Jetty and another one hour plus of ferry to Tioman or you can just fly to Tioman’s airport through Berjaya Air for only an hour.
Fatty swear to never drive to Mersing again (LOL) and claimed that he did it just because I wanted to go to Johor Bahru.
Okay I give him extra 50 points lah for being such a sweet boyfriend as he claimed to be.

There’s only one ferry company and it’s called Bluewater Express. Ticket is RM35 per way for an air-conditioned ferry which if were to compare is far from Macau’s ferry.
Not to mention they are also very bad at their services because on the day we left, they were behind schedule for more than one and a half hour.
What’s worse is that they are not even apologetic and kept shouting that they can only fit 50 passengers right there and then.
So what about the others who waited at the jetty for about 2 hours?
Lucky us we were among the 50 passengers or else I don’t know how Fatty will react. But then again you’ve got no choice because this is the only ferry company that operates which is why flying to Tioman is no doubt the best choice.

#1 Mersing jetty.

#2 How the ferry looks like from the inside.

There’s a few stops and to go to Japamala Resort you’ll have to get down at the first stop, Genting.
At Genting jetty, Japamala Resort had a speedboat ready to send us to Japamala which takes only about 5 minutes.

#3 You will of course have to inform Japamala on your boarding time at Mersing Jetty so that they’ll know what time they have to pick you up at Genting’s jetty.

Japamala charges Rm30 per way from Genting jetty to Japamala which I think is quite ridiculous.
Guests spend so much a day at Japamala Resort and they feel the need to charge us Rm30 per way, per person for a 5 minutes distance.
Well, that’s not very sweet of them.

You rent their room for at least about Rm500 per night, you are force to eat at Japamala too because it’s a private beach so there’s nothing else and it’ll cost at least RM30 per dish (lunch & dinner) and then you’ll most likely go for a massage for at least Rm150.
Hotel Icon at Hong Kong gave us free upgrade, free minibar and free shuttle bus lor okay.
It’s not that I don’t have the money, it’s just that why don’t they be a little kind/sweet instead of erm say money minded? PFFT! Okay lah actually this is my only complain and I only got angry like now when I blog. It didn’t occur to me when I was there that they shouldn’t charge the guests, guess I was too happy to give a shit lol.

Plants, animals and land have been disturbed as little as possible. It’s been our goal to build around nature – to respect and preserve the inherent beauty of this destination; to coexist with all who dwell here. Great care has been taken to minimize any environmental impact. No rocks were moved, no trees were cut down. As a result no two Villas are the same. Each is unique – taking on the character of the land upon which it is built.

Truly appreciate their love for nature that instead of building what they want, they decided to build around the nature and adjust to it’s shapes and forms.
I heard there were monkeys, sometimes dipping themselves into one of Japamala’s pool early in the morning. :)

#4 Walking towards the lobby from Japamala’s jetty.

#5 It was drizzling when we arrived cause it was monsoon season. Pfft!

#6 Breakfast is included and because we have to leave real early the next day due to the stupid Bluewater Express’ schedule, we had our breakfast on the day we arrived instead.

#7 It’s a small breakfast buffet with ala-carte that you can order.

#8 Right next to Tamarind Restaurant, where we had our breakfast.

Japamala Resort is owned by Samadhi Retreats and so are Neo Tamarind, Tamarind Springs, and so on.
We didn’t get to check in until 12pm because I requested for Room 16 which has the best view among the Sea Cliff Chalet.
so we just walked around, checked out the places and took a nap at one of their cabanas.

#9 We had to climb a number of stairs in order to reach our room. I was panting every time.

#10 Gosh I miss this!

#11 Rm660 were charged for a night stay at Sea Cliff Chalet and this is the price for non-peak season due to monsoon. Full rate will be Rm890 per night.

Tips: Must request for Room 16 if you’re taking Sea Cliff Chalet, it has got the best view.

#12 Spot my balloon! Yes, I brought my balloon all the way. :D


#14 Every time we go to nice hotel or resort I’ll tell Fatty, ‘Bay, next time we put this in our house’ and obviously for this time, I want THIS in our garden. So demanding haha.



#16 If not for the monsoon, the sea will be a lot bluer than this. I was actually surprised that Tioman is included in a ‘Island-you-must-go’ kind of list.


#17 One of the Sea Cliff Chalet opposite ours. Don’t know how they see the sea lah, surrounded by trees.

After settling down, Fatty went for his massage while I took a shower and rest in the room.
There’s only one masseuse so we have to take turns and it’s quite a turn off when couples cant do their massage together.
I was like, ‘HAR!? :( :( :( ‘ because we’re left with no choice. Definitely time consuming.

#18 Different types of massage will have different venue and this is one of the venue.

#19 While this is the second, a room for Thai massage.

Fatty’s massage was RM150 and as for mine, I took Head and Shoulder massage for Rm125 which lasts both of us an hour.
The masseuse was so good I actually fell asleep and that is rare for me cause I hardly sleep during massage.
We also book a Jacuzzi for two for RM100 and while they take their time to prepare and heat it up, we went off to take some pictures.


#21 I love this picture the most! It is now my Facebook cover picture and Iphone’s wallpaper heh. :B


#23 <3

#24 This is the jetty and Mandi-Mandi Restaurant that serves Italian food for lunch and dinner.

#25 This is the best! The backrest is 45 degree angle that is perfect for you to rest on and just do nothing.


#27 Spotted crabs.

#28 And a cute bird. :)

#29 Then it’s jacuzzi time! Jacuzzi that was filled with bubbles and two pots of hot tea by the side for us to enjoy.

#30 The jacuzzi was ze bomb! There was bubble everywhere and it smells so good!

Due to me being the cheapskate me, I was in the jacuzzi for about half an hour even though I know I shouldn’t.
When I get out of the jacuzzi, I almost fainted. I couldn’t stand the dizzyness I dropped on the floor. T_T
Dahlah got low blood pressure, still want to put myself in a hot tub for that long. Haha, I hate myself sometimes.

#31 Hahaha stupid boyfriend tried to used bubble to make himself look like a santa claus.

#32 Went off to snorkeling after Jacuzzi. My first time snorkeling with Fatty and my first time wearing flippers too. It was fun!
Snorkeling equipment can be rent for free.

#33 HAHAHAH! So ugly!

#34 “Why did you take picture of my ass!?’ Haha cause I can’t really see the screen and I just randomly snap whatever I could.

#35 Fatty was so busy swimming and snorkeling, he didn’t help take pictures of me snorkeling. Meh, so I have to self layan and take my fingers instead.

#36 There were lots of fishes swimming around and I was particularly drawn to this colourful fish. I also saw sea cucumber and sea urchin.
Showered after snorkeling and off we went for happy hour.
From 6pm to 7pm everyday, Japamala will have happy hour and offers free drinks and snacks for guests.


#38 The boy suggested that I sit on the bridge. :)


#40 Heaven on earth.

#41 It just keeps getting better.

#42 Tomato soup.

#43 Beef carpaccio.

#44 Beef.

#45 Lobster tagliatelle.

Food was really decent and up to standard. I especially love their beef carpacio and lobster tagliatelle.
I didn’t want to order their soup but Fatty always tends to order a lot. Something he totally inherited from his dad, over order during meals.
Total damage done was Rm341 excluding tax.

I asked Fatty, ‘You didn’t get me cake ah? You didn’t ask them to prepare cake for me meh?’ with puppy eyes and he said he did not.
So I replied, ‘WHY? :( :( You can just ask them for cake they have it one!’ and Fatty beh tahan me so he had to screw up his surprise and said ‘Got lah, got lah. Aiyo this girl’. HAHAHA!

#46 Yay! The type of cake that I dislike the most, chocolate cake. HAHA!

#47 I couldn’t be happier, really. :)

#48 Thank you baby for celebrating yet another birthday with me. He somehow promised that for my birthday every year, we’ll go for a getaway. As the Chinese says, ‘listen first lah’ (teng ju sin). Hehe. :)

#49 Despite the monsoon season, the sea was really blue the next morning when we woke up. Imagine normal sunny days, this will be your paradise.

I only wish that we can stay for another night cause I’m a greedy girl like that. Haha.
I had the time of my life, relax, fun, and lots of laughter on my birthday.
Despite being the oldest I have ever been right now, this year’s birthday is one of the best.

Great getaway and I also finally have the ability to get myself a birthday present that I’ve wanted all this years.
The latest Iphone! Hehehe.
Don’t want to jinx it but God has been very generous to me this year, I cant thank God enough. :)

P/S: My blog just turned 7 too.

Macau / Hong Kong Trip – Day 04

You can’t blame me for taking this long to finish up my Hong Kong post, I’ve been working a lot I almost couldn’t catch up on my sleep.

We moved from 99 Bonham at Sheung Wan to Icon Hotel at East Tsim Tsa Tsui, another side of Hong Kong.
We choose Hotel Icon for aesthetic reason and also the distance between Belinda’s (Fatty’s sister) hostel and our hotel.

#1 Hotel Icon is a very new hotel built in 2011, founded and owned by Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

#2 Not only does it look nice and clean, Hotel Icon smells really good too.

#3 Vertical garden growing along walls that will make you stop, stare, and admire.


Service was A plus, friendly and helpful.

#5 We booked Icon 36 Harbour for RM980 including breakfast and they upgraded our room to Club 36 Harbour for us. :)

And here’s what you get if you book a Club 36 Harbour room :

*36 square metres *Satellite, i-cable and NOW TV channels *Twin or King bed *Blu-ray disc player *Complimentary in-room bar & snacks (replenished daily) *Nespresso coffee machine *Complimentary WiFi within hotel area *BOSE sound dock *WiFi phone with free local calls *3-in-1 printer *40” high definition flat screen TV *Complimentary digital newspapers and magazines on personal tablet or smartphone (Choose from 2,000+ newspapers and magazines)

Everything from the bar is free, including beers and snacks! They really know how to win their customer’s heart.

#6 Si Pendek.


#8 The only thing I dislike about Hotel Icon is their room carpet. That jigsaw carpet really really looks ugly to me. Not ugly meh?


#10 Mad love their toilet design!

It seems like a bad idea after all when Fatty created this interest in me to try out hotels because I will always end up saying ‘Next time our toilet we do it this way ah!’ or ‘I want our house to look this way next time.’
But of course, he cant really be bothered about all my next-times and I-wants.

#11 The best damn thing? Watching tv while bubble bathing!


#13 Room’s harbour view.

After checking out our room, we met up with Fatty’s sister for lunch.
We were supposed to have our lunch at Caprice, Four Seasons Hotel but turned out people who lives in Hong Kong do their lunch at a 3 Michelin star restaurant like it’s a kopitiam or something. It was fully booked on a Monday lunch time. Mmkay.

We were actually deciding between Caprice and L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon because both were given 3 stars but since Caprice was full, we headed to the latter.

#14 There’s a distinguish difference between the two restaurants. L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon setting is more to casual and contemporary dining while Caprice has a grander setting.

#15 Complimentary bread, they were really cute and mini.

#16 Amuse bouche that whet my appetite.

#17 My main; lobster risotto.

#18 Really really good apricot dessert. I don’t normally go for dessert during fine dine unless it comes with a set and even if it does comes with a set, a rarely like it. This was different, it was really good with cinnamon and vanilla ice-cream without being too sweet. Just perfect.

Belinda and I ordered three course each while Fatty ordered four course.
Three course set lunch is price at HKD568 and four course is priced at HKD668. I think the bill came up to about Rm900+ for the three of us.
Although the food was good (as per all the fine dine I’ve tried), I sincerely do not think that what I was served that day deserve a three Michelin star. Bistro a Table was just as good, in my opinion.

After trying Hong Kong’s one Michelin star dim sum and now three Michelin star French fine dine, I’d say the Michelin star given to these Hong Kong restaurants cant really be trusted. I’d expect a 3 Michelin star to give me a wow factor but that wasn’t it.
Belinda went to her class after our lunch while Fatty and I went back to our hotel to enjoy the most out of it.

#19 Meet up again after that to eat MORE at Hung Hom area.

#20 Mammy pancake (kai tan zai) at Hung Hom, heard it’s famous among the students.


#22 It tasted really good and crispy, I sometimes crave for it.

#23 We then head over to a famous dumpling shop called 上海飽餃店 for some hot and steamy dumplings.

#24 Menu on the wall. It’s really nice to have a boyfriend who can read chinese or else I’ll be so lost.

#25 Scallion pancake, not quite my thing.

#26 Xiu long bao.

The ‘sang zin bao’ was really good but Fatty told me that day it wasn’t as good as the first time he tried it.
Sometimes we have our bad days don’t we.
I wanted to go to Avenue of Stars after our meal so off we went.

#27 Lots and lots of meat and the uncle asked Fatty if he’s visiting his mother in law and if he wants to add any dishes lol.

#28 Avenue of stars.

#29 I watched Symphony of Light while the two Tays waited for me cause they weren’t interested haha.


#31 Oh why so blur!

#32 Demonstrating how robot stands, haha. Awkward, awkward.

#33 The Tays.

#34 You just cant stay away from food when you’re in Hong Kong. Or in my case, I can never stay away from food wherever I am. Mak’s Noodle, famous for wantan mee.

#35 Oh hi there.

#36 Wantan mee with wantans hiding underneath the mee.

#37 Shrimp roe noodles or ha zi mee as the Hongkies call it.

Never had such an expensive wantan noodles, about Rm20 per bowl. T_T

#38 Last stop for the night at Aqua Spirit for drinks.


#40 Fatty’s drink and my Bailey which I shared with Belinda. I drank less than one third and passed it to her because I don’t want to get tipsy. Sometimes I wonder, why cant I drink? Why my body cannot tolerate alcohol pfft.

#40 :)

Hotel Icon

Address: 17 Science Museum Road
Tsim Sha Tsui East
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel:(852) 3400 1000
Fax:(852) 3400 1001

L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon
Address: Shop 315 & 401, The Landmark, Central, Hong Kong
Tel : (852) 2166 9000

Mammy Pancake
Address: Shop 2A, G/F, Whampoa Street, Hung Hom, Hong Kong.

Address: G/F, No. 6 Ming On Street, Hung Hom, Hong Kong.
Tel: (852) 2802 2266

Mak’s Noodle 麥奀記雲吞麵
Address: G/F, 77 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong.
Tel: (852) 2854 3810

Aqua Spirit
Address: 29 & 30 Floors
One Peking Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
T: +852 3427 2288
E: aqua@aqua.com.hk

Fatty’s 24th Birthday Dinner at Il Lido.

On Fatty’s 24th birthday eve, we had his birthday dinner at Il Lido which we went on our 1st anniversary.
For his birthday instead of lunch, we went for dinner because my man is a busy man.

Who else work a full day on a Saturday? *roll eyes

#1 Sorry for being jakun but must all the gourmet bread at fine dine restaurant be that hard to chew? I ate like a cow or a horse (whichever makes you laugh)!

We ordered a degustation set menu, priced at Rm198 to share.

#2 Amuse bouche.

#3 Hokkaido scallops with celeriac & truffle cream. The scallop was fresh and juicy, and when combined with truffle cream it can’t go wrong.

#4 Roasted goose liver with duck bacon and lentils. Foie gras will always be our favorite dish wherever we go and indeed it was divine. The foie gras was cooked to perfection, crisp on the outside and silky smooth on the inside.

#5 Chitaruggi with lobster and smoke paprika which the birthday boy really liked which I couldn’t agree on.

#6 Wagyu beef cheek with caramelized root vegetables. Beef cheek was extremely tender and the sweetness from the root vegetables that balances out the dish was a good touch.

A set of degustation for the both of us is definitely and obviously not enough, so we ordered more.

#7 Beef Carpaccio with rucola and ‘Vacche Rosse’ parmigiano cheese, RM36. Beef carpaccio came at the start of our dinner and it really did opened up my appetite. We ordered the same dish the first time too, just too good to resist.

I’ve made a conclusion that we both couldn’t stay away from scallop, foie gras, and carpaccio when it comes to fine dine.

#8 King Prawns with Spicy Cannellini Emulsion, RM48. When it comes to fine dine I rarely go for anything spicy but I did that night. Extremely flavorful without being too spicy, just nice to make you want to eat more.

#9 Crab Ravioli with Fava and Cured Roe, RM48. This is another very flavorful dish and the ravioli comes in olive green which is made to perfection.

#10 We were already quite full the meal but because we both are greedy people, we ordered Spider Crab Soup with Sambuca (Rm38) before we proceed for dessert. When the soup arrived, it arrived in a bowl with only crab meat and the silly me was wondering ‘didn’t I ordered a soup?’ but before I have the chance to question the waiter pour a pot of soup into the bowl.

We both gave the same expression, ‘Ohhhhhhh…’.

#11 Molten Lava Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream was included in our degustation menu and while Fatty was away from his seat, I secretly requested a candle to comes along with the dessert.

#12 Just to surprise him when he came out of the washroom and look how happy he was, haha.

#13 I hope he enjoyed the dinner and enjoyed me being his date.

#14 The-ever-so-annoying-and-naggy-girlfriend.

After our dinner, we went up to their rooftop lounge bar to have a look and we pretty much enjoyed our quick and short moment at the top as there were no one else. :)

#15 Whenever I dress up a little nowadays, Fatty will asks me ‘ootd?’. LOL!

#16 ♥

Bill came up to Rm450+ including the glass of red wine Fatty ordered.

ilLido Italian Dining + Lounge Bar
183 Jalan Mayang (off Jalan Yap Kwan Seng)
50450 Kuala Lumpur

Phone: +603 2161 2291

Anniversary Lunch at iL Lido

When it comes to food, the boyf tends to act like a ‘eating-professor’ (hence his size HAHA).
Special dates like birthday, christmas, and anniversary is truly a good excuse for us to dine a little better than normal days.
We don’t normally pick our restaurants randomly when it comes to dates worth celebrating.
There’s too many restaurants laying around in KL and I would prefer not bumming into a few bad ones.
We will do some research here and there, have a little discussion before we’re good to go.

Most of the time in the middle of our research, we’ll go ‘OH WOW! this looks damn good’ and ‘WAH SEE! Look at that beef!’.
Food blog is the root of all fats, in our case.
We just really cant say no to food. No food good food no life.

So this time for our anniversary, we decided to go for lunch instead of dinner for a change.
We picked Il Lido, located at Jalan Mayang which served classic Italian cuisine.
We made a reservation but this action is not needed because it almost seems like we booked the entire restaurant.
Empty during lunch.

* He’s the one who decided to have our lunch at Il Lido.

* I was a tad bit reluctant at first because I heard it’s pretty pricey until the boyf told me they do have lunch set menu.

* Il Lido – “The ultra-luxe interior, combined with the warm, inviting atmosphere, allows diners to ease easily into the experience.”

* Complimentary bread which I personally did not very fancy. Reason being that the taste of garlic in the bread is a tad bit on the heavy side. The taste of garlic lingers too long in my mouth and somehow affect the taste of my starter. There’s a mini fight inside my mouth when I took a bite of my starter.

* Amuse Bouche – which stands for ‘mouth amuser’ if were to direct translate from French. It is a little bite of food to amuse the mouth and different form appetizer, you wont be able to order it from menu. Instead it is selected by the chef accordingly. And the above is Tuna Carpaccio.

* Beef Carpaccio with Rucola, Parmigiano Cheese and Truffle – Rm39. Other than scallops and foie gras, the boyf likes carpaccio too and this is pretty good I must say. Wrapped the beef, rucola, cheese and truffle, stuffed it into our mouth and savour it.

I ordered Festive Season Lunch Menu that costs Rm88.
There’s two starters and three main dish for me to choose from.

* I choose Pan Roasted Scallops with Cannelini Beans, Carrot Jus and Bottarga as my starter knowing that the love likes scallop so much. There’s really nothing much for me to rave about this dish, sadly.

* And Pan Roasted Atlantic Cod with Smoked Caviar Sauce and Whipped Potato as my main course, also knowing that the love likes caviar. Did not like this either, especially the whipped potato because they whipped it with some almond and I HATE ALMOND A LOT BECAUSE IT SMELLS LIKE COCKROACH!

Boyf likes all sorts of expensive food! And I like all sorts of nasty food like cockles and pork intestine LOL.

* My dessert, Chestnut and Amaretto Parfait with Warm White Chocolate which I really dislike because I hate nuts and chocolate. What a combination!

I guess I just really dislike my set, haha. But it’s just preference and somehow the ingredients they used are foods that I dislike eating. ):

The boyf went for Degustation Menu instead, which costs Rm198.
He cant resist degustation menu, that’s for sure.

* Crab Salad with Watermelon and Tomato Elisir. This is a cold dish, it’s fresh and it tasted damn good, one of my favourite of the day.

* Pan Fried Goose Liver with Duck Terrine and Wild Berries Sauce. This is also my favourite. Their pan fried goose liver is one of the best goose liver I’ve tried by far. Slightly crispy on the outside and it melts in your mouth after the first bite. So flavorful!

* Homemade Spaghetti with Lobster and Spicy Tomato Sauce. Don’t find this interesting except that the spaghetti they use had a really different texture and I quite like it.

* Prime Beef Tenderloin with Gorgonzola Cheese Sauce and Truffle Potatoes. Boyf said hope it’s as good as Nathalie’s and when he took a bite he said IT IS really as good as Nathalie’s and when I took a bite I said no. Not as tender, I swear but I quite like the potato though.

* Molten Lava Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream. I ate the ice cream while he ate the chocolate cake. In fact he dislike chocolate just like I do but he said it’s really good. Still I’m not interested to give it a try.

I figured that I prefer French cuisine more than Italian cuisine when it comes to fine dine.
I don’t know how to explain this but I just find french cuisine more ‘in-depth’ when it comes to taste or maybe it’s the restaurant I don’t know.
I’d still prefer Nathalie Gourmet anytime and also not to forget Bistro à Table.

But still I did enjoy my lunch a lot, especially with him by my side. (:
Our bill came up to about Rm400.

ilLido Italian Dining + Lounge Bar
183 Jalan Mayang (off Jalan Yap Kwan Seng)
50450 Kuala Lumpur

Phone: +603 2161 2291

3 Years Together











August 11, 2004, is the day me and him get together.
The first time I met him is on my friend Alicia’s birthday party.
I was only 14 at that time. She introduce us and we chat through ICQ.
We started ‘dating’ but without holding hands. Our relationship is an on and off relationship.
Two years later, he shift to my school and I met him everyday but I don’t like him anymore.
Until one day, I saw him wearing his prefect uniform for the first time and the way he look really attract me. However, we never get together because he said that he was afraid of the on and off relationship. One day he told me that if someone fold 999 stars and make a wish, hie or her wish will come true. Straight away I went to Popular to buy papers and make stars.
Whenever there is free time, I’ll make it. No matter it is at school or at home or eating or whatever. When I finally finish making, I told him and he ask me what is my wish.
So obvious, my wish is to be with him and we date till today.
Sad to say, the stars are gone now because I broke it when we were having a fight.

Yesterday was the third year we have been together. We went to Ciao to have our dinner together. We actually decide to go to CafeCafe for our second round but we didn’t make it. He told me that he will be leaving to New Zealand to study pilot. For those who know me, I really hate it a lot.
I have my own reasons. We nearly break up but thanks to Alicia for saving us.
I’m lazy to talk bout the detail so I’ll just leave it.
After everything is cool, we went out to Bukit Bintang to have a walk.




The foods are really nice except for the beef. It is not tasty enough.
But I really like the squid and the seafood soup. Real delicious.




Very nice light, love it.

At Bukit Bintang eating ice-cream. I wanted to go Lecka Lecka but no ice-cream yesterday. Bad.

His picture is so dark. It looks like he enjoys his ice cream.

Thats all. He will be leaving to New Zealand for one whole year.
Omg, I think I couldn’t take it, but I’ll try.
Thinking of it makes me sad.