Tag Archives: western cuisine

Simple birthday dinner at The Press Room Bistro.

Just filling my blog with some pictures taken at my birthday dinner before I go back to watching tv and being busy at the same time.

I decided to go for a simple dinner with a few of my friends (while a few more couldn’t make it for various reasons) at Pavilion’s Press Room.

#1 My outfit for the night.

#2 With a hole at the back which I failed to capture and Fatty at the background busy doing god-knows-what.

#3 I ordered Spring Chicken with The Press Room Mash (RM50).

#4 Which I totally regret not because that the dish does not taste nice at all but it’s because I really like this Creamed Squid Ink Rice (RM39) that Weng Kee ordered. My first time trying anything related to squid ink but it was so good!

#5 Victor’s pathetic looking Croque Madame (RM25), the classic turkey ham and cheese sandwich with a sunny-side up. Pathetic looking for a dinner but the taste doesn’t fail at all.

#6 Candles, they will just keep increasing.

#7 Thank you Fatty for the cake from RT Pastry. :)

#8 With Victor, my good friend and Fatty’s gay friend.

#9 And the remaining boys, Poh Juan, Gavin and Weng Kee.

Yes, there’s no girls I do realise that.
My girl friends are either busy working or far far away from me, how sad.
But truth be told, I’ve always have more guy friends than girl friends anyway cause girls are sometimes way too scary.
I’m a girl and I admit that fact.

#10 My new guy friend, I wish! He’s The Press Room Bistro’s manager who offered me a drink after knowing that it was my birthday and because he looks handsome I have to take a picture with him.

Fatty ruined my moment by telling him that I said he was handsome!
He should be jealous and shut up and not say anything.
Thank God I didn’t blush or I’ll need to dig myself a hole and hide in it.

Ended my amazing night playing poker with the boys.
I have now officially become a weekly gambler with cards in my bag.

The Press Room

The Press Room, my new found love.
I’ve always wanted to try out The Press Room at Bangsar Shopping Centre but I just don’t happen to go there much, just a few times for some odd drinks at night.
So when I knew that they were opening a new branch at Pavilion, I was excited.
I almost go to Pavilion every week which explains that I’ll be having a high chance enjoying my meals at The Press Room.

#1 Casual and comfortable seating.

#2 By the bar.

#3 English Breakfast Tea (RM13).

#4 Eggs Cooked To Order (RM23) served with sauteed mushrooms and grilled tomatoes with a choice of smoked salmon or turkey ham. I of course, will go for anything salmon. Portion is distinctly smaller comparing it to Antipodean’s Big Breakfast (RM18) but this portion is just right.
Tomato was still warm when I took a bite and the juice that flowed out was sweet.

#5 Poached eggs were perfectly done, not to mention the sauteed mushrooms tasted heavenly. Mushrooms tasted so good, the flavour lingered in my mouth. I don’t even have to mention on the smoked salmon, everything else was already so perfect.

#6 Salad Landaise (Rm24) served with smoked duck breast and duck rilettes. I cant recall much as this was Fatty’s dish but I remembered myself saying, even the salad was so good. Smoked duck breast wise, I preferred Acme’s.

#7 Do you know what a good breakfast can do to your day? :) :)

#8 My paikia boyfriend.

Breakfast that morning was so satisfying I made up my mind to go back again for another visit.

#9 And there, I just have to stop by again before my midnight movie starts for a quick bite.

#10 A very refreshing glass of Summer smoothie, passion fruit, mango, and coconut blend (RM15).

#11 The Press Room Salad (RM18) served with grilled artichokes, asparagus, and poached eggs. I am never a salad person, I just don’t fancy vegetables. What came to me as a surprise was that I will even order a salad for myself to start off with (attracted by the word poached egg) and what surprise me even more was that I kept mentioning, ‘Oh damn this salad is gooood’.
There and then I realised salad could actually taste that good, I gobbled down everything and felt as satisfied as ever.

Now, I really cant wait to try out the rest of their menu especially what I can order for my dinner that will not disappoint.
Or maybe I could try out The Press Room at Bangsar Shopping Centre, I bet it’s just gonna be as good.

I’m not too extreme if I plan to try every single dish on their menu right? Well…
I’ll probably give myself two more visits to Press Room to officially decide that The Press Room is better than Acme Bar and Cafe.

The Press Room Bistro
Pavilion in Lot C3.10.02, Level 3,
168 Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur.

Acme Bar & Coffee : Second Visit

Acme : First Visit

Remember that week where I was supposed to go for Matta fair to check out some cheap deals?
And it was so incredibly jam that Fatty decided to just gave that up.

To compensate, we headed to Acme Bar & Coffee to avoid crowds and what a good decision we made because it was pretty quiet on that day. :)

Activities in the car are very limited as you can tell.

Acme Bar & Coffee make us happy. Quiet place, wonderful interior, and good food once again. :)

This time we picked a different seat so that I can capture Acme Bar in a different dimension. Love the geometrical pattern of the ceiling!

A selection of Acme’s cake from Pina Colada cake to apple and olive oil cake. They do have some pretty interesting cakes, something for a change.

Moroccan Mint Tea – Rm15.

That was like one of the cutest tea bag I ever seen with a tiny green leave sticking out and the Moroccan Mint tea is perfect for a Sunday noon, refreshing you from your tedious week.

Cempedak cake with pistachio – Rm15. A combination of pandan sponge cake, cempedak cream, and pistachio nuts. The taste of cempedak cream was really strong and when mix it with pistachio nuts it created something else. And finally balanced it out with plain pandan sponge cake, it became something quite interesting.

Salted egg yolk fried chicken strips – Rm25. I ordered this because I simply just cant resist salted egg yolk. This is okay but still it cant beat salted egg yolk fried from chinese restaurant.


Baked eggs, Spinach, Rhubarb, Ricotta, and Grilled Sourdough bread – Rm17. Fatty love this dish and he enjoyed eating it so much.
Runny egg yolks with spinach and ricotta cheese, you probably cant go wrong with that.
But Birdman’s baked eggs still top the list.

Fatty took a toilet break in between and came back telling me that the toilet is worth checking out.

Indeed. I am so in love with Acme’s vintage toilet! For a moment I felt like I time traveled back to at least a hundred years ago.
One of the interior I like most is interior from English olden days.

And they even provided a mirror inside their toilet cubicles for privacy purpose. I dislike checking myself out through mirrors in public toilets when people is around.
Acme is pretty thoughtful to provide a mirror in toilet cubicles.

I enjoyed my tea time at Acme.
Though I must say that not all their food satisfy my taste bud but given with the interior like such that created a nice ambiance, Acme will be one of the place that I’d like to visit often.

Ending my post with #OOTD :)



Acme Bar & Coffee
Ground floor, The Troika, Jalan Binjai, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.

AcmeBar & Coffee at The Troika

Good food, good coffee, good ambiance, and good architecture all together.
Obviously I’m a dummy in architecture itself and it will be a very bad decision if I start talking about it.

The Troika is located adjacent to the Kuala Lumpur City Centre Park and world famous Petronas Twin Tower.

Designed by renowned international architects, Foster and Partners, the three-tower developement is set to dazzle the Kuala Lumpur city skyline and the residential marketplace in the Asia Pacific region. Glistening in sheer glass and steel, each unit in this striking and unique building is oriented to enjoy the best views of the beautiful surrounding.

The key architect, Foster and Partners is famed all around the world. Their works include the new German Parliament in the Reichstag, Berlin, The Great Court for the British Musuem, HSBC Headquarters in Hong Kong and London, Commerzbank Headquarters in Frankfurt, the Millau bridge in France and many more. The Troika will be Foster and Partners’ first residential project in Malaysia and one of Malaysia’s first globally branded residential development.

Source: The Troika

Fatty brought me here and explained whatever he could about this building, The Troika. He is impressed and he really likes it.

I am impressed too, by the stairs. Haha. You just really have to experience the stairs yourself. The picture above cant even do the justice.

The Troika’s lobby.

Not our local mamak ABC. This is AcmeBar & Coffee (ABC).

AcmeBar & Coffee greats you with a raw industrial interior, something I didn’t expect and I must say I like it a lot.
I like raw interior.

Behind this reception area, there’s a bar with a cake display counter.
I should have taken pictures of their cakes, it looks pretty darn good.

Transport yourself in an industrial loft with a hint of vintage nostalgia that is comfortable, cosy and curious with a friendly, casual service style.

High ceiling…

with lots of sunlight during the day, thanks to their floor to ceiling glass walls.

Fatty enjoying the sunlight but the sunlight wasn’t that enjoyable after all because it was too hot!
It would be wonderful if we’re at Melbourne with such interior and food. I could sit there all day long.

Ordered Latte, as usual.

I got myself a set lunch and for each day AcmeBar have a specific set lunch to offer which includes soup, salad, two choices of main dish, and a dessert. All for Rm49++.

Waldorf salad & duck prosciutto : air dried duck prosciutto, walnuts, and green apple.
My first reaction when this bowl of salad touched the surface of the table, “Oh crap. Doesn’t look like something I’ll eat” but I was so wrong. You see that pink meat right there at the corner of the bowl?
That duck prosciutto is effing delicious, I wished they gave me more of that.
When put together with the greens and green apple, it’s a bowl of freshness and tastiness all together.

Fish soup with green pea aioli and garlic crouton.
I don’t really fancy fish sometimes, unless it’s raw fish but this fish soup surprised me well.
I don’t know how to describe this really but this bowl of thick fish soup is so flavorsome, I just want more!

Roast beef and mushrooms : lyonnaise potatoes & balsamic shallot glaze.
The beef is tender and well roasted. When match it with the balsamic shallot glaze and mushrooms, which I really love, it made my lunch complete.

Churros and chocolate sauce.
Churros, oh how I miss. But I still find churros from San Churros in Melbourne more addictive.

Fatty went for ala carte instead of set lunch.
Why would we want to order 2 same sets right?

Black and white onion soup with cheese stick, Rm19.
Something really special as I’ve not heard of white onion soup before. Black onion soup are the ones we can easily get in western restaurant or cafes but white onion soup, I just found out they do exist.
They contrast each other, in terms of colors and the thickness of the soup. Even the taste are very different. Black onion soup is made from beef stock while the white onion soup is cream based.

Grilled “bacon” wrapped snails with coco beans and parsley garlic sauce, Rm19.
This unfortunately, taste as normal as you can imagine. Looks darn good, and the name of the dish itself sounds so interesting but nahhh, not so much.

And one last thing that I love, is their black and white floor tiles.
Red flats : Rm30+ from Melbourne

Till then AcmeBar, I’ll be back.

Acme Bar & Coffee
Ground floor, The Troika, Jalan Binjai, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.

Yut Kee, a Hainanese coffee shop older than you and me.

Last year when I was somewhere around KL town , Fatty wanted to take me to a Hainanese coffee shop called Yut Kee but our luck wasn’t with us that day. It was closed.

Not long before I was at KL town again during lunch hour and he said let’s give it a try, secretly hoping that they’re not close.
Luck was with us that day.
He brought me there, it was my first time.

* Kedai Makanan Yut Kee.

* Yut Kee has been operating for more than 80 years, as old as our grandparents and they served western chops to Chinese fried noodles and rice.

* Ice tea and ice coffee to keep the both of us awake. Rm1.50 each.

* Half boiled eggs for the male, Rm2.50.

* Pork chop, one of Yut Kee’s signature dish served with brown sauce, onions, mixed peas and carrots, and also potato wedges – Rm10. Fatty ordered pork chop and I find it rather dry and hard, I’m not a pork chop fan.

* So I decided to order their lamb chop instead which cost Rm13 and boy, I was so very disappointed. I LOVE lamb, for your information but I hate lamb without that ‘funny lamb smell’. We Chinese called it as ‘sou’.
It’s just that lamb smell that makes me love eating lamb and without that smell, I WILL GET MAD!!
So first thing, obviously this plate of lamb chop do not have that ‘funny lamb smell’ which most elder Chinese preferred it to be and secondly it’s a little hard for me to chew.

The sauce they used for their chops are all the same brown sauce, but the brown sauce did not impress me a tiny bit and it certainly did not compliment my my lamb chop at all. I’m sorry. ):

* Moving on, we ordered a plate of oh-so-famous Roti Babi, Rm8.00.

* This is how the fillings look like. If I were to eat this dish first before my lamb chop, I might have enjoyed it more. I like how the bread tasted like after being deep fried.

* The interior of Yut Kee and the owners sitting right in front.

All in all, I walked out feeling rather disappointed because I was expecting more due to the fact that I kind of trust Fatty when it comes to food.
For that price, I could have a better lunch.

Putting it this way, the food is NOT THAT BAD just that there’s nothing much to rave about. Really.
However, you can still go over to have a cup of coffee and order a plate of Roti Babi and try it yourself.
Just something different sometimes.

Kedai Makanan Yut Kee
Open Tues-Sun 08:00-17:00 (closed Mon)
35 Jalan Dang Wangi, Dang Wangi, Kuala Lumpur
T: (03) 2698 8108

Dinner with brother

Short Note: Why are you acting so weird tonight? Not only you couldn’t catch me, now I couldn’t catch you either. Whats wrong?

Went out and have dinner with my brother at Secret Recipe just now. A very enjoying and satisfying meal.

* I took out my camera and say take picture. Then I say again, again, again, again, and again. And at last he didn’t want to bother me anymore. Haha, damn tak layan.

Dig in…

* Oreo Milkshake. Yummy..

* Tapioca chips. We did not order this but the waitress give it to us. I wanted to tell her no thanks because I thought we will be charge for that, but its free. :’D

* Durian Durian, super nice. I love dessert make from Durian. Taste good and smells good too.

* Grill Mushroom Chicken with rice. I’m a ‘rice bin’, I need to eat rice everyday or else I wont be happy. Haha..

* My brother’s Chicken Cordon Bleu.

Super duper full after finishing our foods. Both of us ate around 50 bucks. Ouch, expensive. My brother wanted to catch a movie but there isn’t any suitable ones. I’ve already watched 3 movies in a week, don’t feel like watching anymore for the moment. After that we went to Popular and they are having sales now. I bought some really interesting books. I love to read. : )


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